When was the last time you did drugs or had a packet of tayto with a pint

Isnt an offset of the product a class A. The oil or something? THC oil can fuck you up

I’m very new to it and I don’t smoke it, I take the odd edible, and I can honestly say it’s been so beneficial for me. Sleep better, more relaxed. Having it in the same league as cocaine is mental


Seems excessive but I wouldn’t have much sympathy for anyone over their early 20s dealing

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Its making money for the same people. The guards have to spend resources on it.

You have to be aware of the consequences if you’re dealing in those amounts

Oh absolutely. Any fella bringing in tons of anything knows well what they are doing.

I’d be strongly of the general opinion that it should be legalised, controlled and taxed but the law is the law and any fella breaking it needs to be aware of it.

I’d be of that opinion as well.

The only thing I’d be conscious of doing that is it creates a black hole for the people who are making money from it and it’ll probably mean they’ll ramp up worse shit.

Is it a necessary evil to have it illegal?

Like if they’re happy making say 100m a year dealing weed, grand. nobody gets hurt on the street, lets say weed is made legal, they lose the 100m so now they push heroin or coke harder to cover the loss.

Yeah but that black hole will be inevitable when any form of crime is curtailed.

They may well push other drugs harder, and I think cocaine use is already skyrocketing, but that’s where enforcement will have to come in

Counter argument is the resources spent monitoring small scale weed operations can be diverted into combating the gangs distributing heroin etc.

ultimately it’s the same people right? at a certain level. they run the lot, once you get out beyond local distribution.

They don’t cover the loss. It’s a smaller market. They won’t make as much money. It’ll be legalised within a decade but it’ll have to be done across Europe or you’ll end up with drug tourism which even Amsterdam is turning its back on.

Drug use (if not supply of certain drugs) should always be a public health issue and not a criminal issue. Look at US where legal drugs have caused as much if not more damage to users than illegal drugs.

Any fella in his 20s dealing is hands in hands for the long haul with some cuntish bastards. Hard to feel sorry for him.

It should all be decriminalised and regulated. If you can get drugs freely in jail, you’re kidding yourself any measures this side of prison walls will prevent drug use, misuse and abuse.

Take the profits from the blackmarket. Pour funds into mental health and drug education. Recognise it as health issue and build treatment from there, not a prison cell as the panacea.

This fella facing 8 years. His sentences won’t stop the weed flowing. Won’t prevent any kids looking for it from finding it. Only costs taxpayers to stipend his 8 year accommodation sentence and this chap the rest of his life.

We’re 50,60 years trying the same solutions and drug use is more rampant than ever. Youth are drinking less and doing less yokes as it affects their ability to hit the gym and pose for social media shots. No beer belly from coke; no 3 day skag from ket. And that’s what they’re all at regardless of laws we think are preventing it.


There are people making excellent money out of it, who are never named in the media. Not top level either by any means but they are clearing 300k profit a year.

I also don’t buy the narrative that weed is harmless, I know a few lads that have suffered badly from it upto and including full mental breakdowns.

Suppose its the same with liqour.

I think that’s the argument though. It’s no more dangerous than alcohol, and alcohol is perfectly legal and regulated.

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Totally agree mate, regulate it and tax it is the only way to go.

Weed or hash that is, i’d be reluctant to say the same about harder drugs.

Look at what’s been achieved with smoking to see what could be done with hard drugs. Campaigns of education and shattering its appeal coupled with heavy regulation and taxation see really only the hardcore nicotine junkies smoking anymore.

They’re there, available, more varieties than ever. And less kids are going near them. And the State is recouping taxes to pay towards further campaigns but also the health costs borne by having generations of smokers.

Changing the legality wont make hard core drugs anymore appealing; perhaps less so as loses the rebellious aspect. Changing the approach as seen with cigarettes is the model to effect proper change in behaviour and outcomes


are you talking to me again? :smiley:

yeah but whatever they make legal, the cunts will always find something new.

There’s going to be a market - no matter what

So we just leave a system recognised as wrong to go on?

Point is definitely there will always be a market, laws or not

Alcohol is actually quite dangerous.