When was the last time you did drugs or had a packet of tayto with a pint

fags and booze cause more problems than most illegal drugs


The safest of the lot is probably MDMA.

I never partook in tablets.

All in the past pal.

safest of the lot is probably MDMA.

If regulated as unfortunately bad batches of it/yokes each summer cost some kids their lives.

And you’ve the parents then, god love them, on a crusade against drugs ‘dont let this happen your child, ban drugs more’. It’s very sad.

Mdma made in a lab with proper testing kits, dosing information when sold and helplines in the event of anything untoward would save far.more.lives than the parent crusades


I had an awful few months around 22/23 … Near psychotic episode. Full on paranoia in all social settings even without smoke. I could literally see groups of people pointing/laughing/ talking about me.

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good lad.

the lads making 300k are only middle men. the lads at the top are the dangerous cunts, distributing everything.

I’ve never seen anyone suffer terrible from weed, an alcoholic would be way worse

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I had similar off the weed. The hash you’d never get that. I don’t know why lads do be smoking the weed. It’s awful tack

Each and every thing on that last can do damage. Each and every one of them can affect each and every one of us differently.

Leaving education and safety in the hands of dealers is retarded

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I honestly think its something thats not mentioned enough.

the more you legalise one, the more they’ll push the other.

So if you legalise weed, they’ll push more heroin to fill the vaccuum, potentially, of course

In an ideal world it would all be legalised and there’d be no scum bags, but it isn’t an ideal world

Ah grand so, covid is a cod you fucking simpleton

And on we go.

It’s a moot point as they’ll never legalize anything else other than marijuana. I think where it has been legalized alcohol sales have fallen significantly.

you could do with a joint, son

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and sour cream and onion pringles sales have sky rocketed

Read above. Legalise, regulate and educate on all of them. If letting a dealer above in Raheen Square lead a kid towards one over the other is the fear, then make sure the kid isnt heading into Raheen Square is the first step to addressing it

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agreed 100%

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They make these super strains… Fuck you right up. BC weed or just regular weed is fine.

A 10 spot back in the day never did anyone any harm.