When was the last time you did drugs or had a packet of tayto with a pint

but kids are always going to want to do stupid shit. this isn’t utopia, this is the real world

If you (and the other headcase) had that kind of reaction to weed then it was likely laced with something probably PCP. Weed and hash are essentially the same, hash is just more concentrated.

Hash is a lot more mellow sham.

isnt weed or hash much stronger these days?

surey they should regulate it - although look what happened today

Yeah, so making sure they’re doing it with full knowledge and with pharmaceutical standard product versus some shit pressed in a caravan and sold from a house surrounded by dangerous cunts is probably the better of the two choices

but whatever is government regulated will be offset with something new. It isn’t just going to go away. They’ll invent something new, or say it’s better.

It isn’t the drug most often. It’s the taking of the drug. The risk.

have you a nadge kid? :smiley:

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Look mate I’m the forums expert on the subject. THC is THC, yes there are different strains but by and large the effect is the same. If you are getting psychotic on weed you are either psychotic to begin with or it was laced with something else.


I smoked any amounts of resin, for years and never got as bad a buzz as I got off weed, the weed is straight off the plant. The resin is filled with all sorts of other shit to filter it down.

You live thousands of miles away where fellas grow it on their windowsills. This isn’t a relevant conversation for you

Because it was old soap bar was all was in Ireland until the 2000s. You can get hash with opium crystals in it now.

Hash ain’t simply hash anymore. So again education, regulation needed so informed and safe decisions are made even with hash

Ok mate.

Drugs are bad. mmmmkay

Incorrect. Hash is made from the trichomes of the plant which contain most THC.

You’ve said it yourself there. Remove the risk, the rebel nature of it. Dole it out in banal centres wall to wall with education pamphlets and you take another string from its appeal

But people will always want to take risks

They’ll find something else, it’s human nature

you obviously never had smelly sock

They can have their buzz using safer drugs armed with more knowledge. If a precent them want to move on to something else, so be it. But we don’t end up with a man in jail for 8 years for selling a plant

It isn’t the buzz it’s the illegality of it. Certain people are addicted to the risk more than the buzz

There is never, ever going to be a time when every substance is legal. Ever.

So stay the course is your answer so? How’s that address these buzz takers?

explain that before I answer

The illegality of drugs is their appeal to many you said.

So keeping them illegal- how does that address what you’re saying is the issue, addiction to risk?