When was the last time you did drugs or had a packet of tayto with a pint

Iā€™d rather legalize heroin than hash is my point

Leave the cunts with the harmless drugs like hash etc and regulate the dangerous ones. Make heroin uncool. Make hash cool. Make hash the risky one. let them make their margin on that.

Absolute gibberish ffs. Are you high?


I was smoking 3/4 joints a day ever day for a couple of yearsā€¦ A combo of being laced and just smoking too much. I wasnt too far from a serious episode Iā€™d say as I was literally seeing people laughing or looking at me and talking about me when they werenā€™t. Got bad panic attacks when I gave it upā€¦ Still get the odd one when over tired.

His argument is to regulate all drugs.
I just said Iā€™d regulate heroin first. Which has been done, with substitutes, before hash in this country, you wouldnā€™t know about that because youā€™re the other side of the world

Regulate the most dangerous and most profitable drugs first seems logical to me

That sort of use isnā€™t good for anyone. Thankfully you turned out sort of ok.

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Did you seek medical help about it? In retrospect, if there was a way to confidentially seek it out and find support, itā€™s what you needed.

But that wasnā€™t there Iā€™d wager and canā€™t be yet as offering that support would be seen as encouraging drug use.

So better off be like you struggling with it or worse still, losing their marbles and trying to regather them in the prison system


Just sort ofā€¦

I canā€™t believe I never met you in Limerick :smiley:

Its destroys peoples get up and go over time I found, if they were smoking joints heavily.

Zero will or ambition to do anything.


it can regulate you, with self discipline, is what iā€™ve found. If youā€™re someone whoā€™s strung, a joint can take you back quicker than anything natural you can do.

If you overdo it, yeah, 100% youā€™ll be a cabbage

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Is agree with that based on the limited supply into the Irish market. But it affects different people in very different ways. And addiction to weed is a real thing too as is addiction to any substance. Recognising it has that negative affect and still doing it daily is an issue that needs addressing


A bit like itā€™s a beautiful mindā€¦ I just told myself I was imagining itā€¦I tried doing maths on the windows but my mother slapped the head off me. But yeah, just struggled on , bit of anxiety and panic attacksā€¦ But found fitness and returned to education and just changed my life. Then I found TFK and life was never the same again.


what else were you doing at the time?

Correct, and it also can have a detrimental effect on brain development. Itā€™s not a drug for teenagers, there should be a lot more education on that front.

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Absolutely agree.

i find the brain development discussion very interesting.

Some of the most enlightening conversations/moments iā€™ve had was when I was after smoking a few joints.

The closest to enlightened iā€™ve ever felt was when I was bombed off my tits

Nothing reallyā€¦ I took a lot of acid at 16/17ā€¦ Pills then and then smoke. Didnā€™t really start drinking till mid 20s ā€¦ could have been a combo of a few years of taking shit and missing sleep etc. etc

Broadly there are two kinds of people who take drugs, those who do it for enjoyment and those who do it to escape. The latter is very dangerous and frequently leads to addiction, even weed as you say. Anyone with an addictive personality is as well staying away from all of it, including alcohol.


I never took a pill in my life. I was terrified of them. I just smoked a bit of ganga. And in latter years snorted a waft to keep me awake on stags etc

I didnā€™t have a drop of liquor until I was 20 would you believe. Until I knew for sure I wasnā€™t going to make a living playing ball

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but inevitably they find it. Such is the way with vice.

and the third kind are those who do it to kill the pain or for their jobā€¦