When will pubs open again?

Yeah I hope you’re right. I am not expecting to darken the door of my office until June at the earliest

I’m going to go for an awful skip of liquor.

Well it’s all speculation thats all we can do. I’d be very worried for the country though if this carries on into July. Cracks will start to appear

You’d need your head examined to be venturing into a pub before we find a vaccination for Covid19.

The pubs are closed?
Several men were found hiding in the keg room of a pub by gardaí last night. When asked what they were doing, one replied that he was “afraid of contracting COVID-19” and “felt safer” in there.


There’s a fierce bang of “the war will be over by Christmas” about this.

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jail the cunts, paddy still doesn’t get it

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They were listening to Boris and stayed open

June bank holiday at the earliest.

Does anyone know what metric will be used in deciding when everything opens again? 7 consecutive days of no new cases?

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They will be home before the leaves fall

“They will be home before the fall leaves” would also have meant the same thing, though inappropriate in a cultural and historical context.

Eh, they’ll never open again if that’s the metric

Fri 29th May 20/1
Fri 5th June 18/1
Fri 12th June 11/2
Fri 19th 9/4
Fri 26th 7/2
Fri 3rd July 15/2
Fri 10th July 18/1
Fri 17th July 20/1

25/1 Bar

My own hunch is it’ll be the august bank holiday.

4th of July.

Independence day.

In Ireland?
May 31st, with strictly enforced social distancing of 6 feet and compulsory mask wearing.

Be awful hard to drink Guinness through a mask. But I’m willing to try

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Will improve a few lads chances of scoring

Way hey

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They’ll surely be some kind of staggered openings, first restaurants/hotels who serve drinks and then eventually open them all on a Tuesday evening or something