You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

And there was me thinking that the raison d’etre of TFK was to post stuff which annoys people … or something


All the posters with long covid, and there are very many, are lazy bollockses who need a kick up the hole.

Cc: of @glenshane @myboyblue

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Most people with long Covid symptoms have never had Covid. It’s called the Nocebo effect, similar to someone having an adverse reaction to a drug they never took.


@Dziekanowski was a very astute poster who is no longer around here. He/she/they must have long Covid.

not one death from this savage Omicron variant yet…but CLOSE EVERYTHING!

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That poster was actually banned from the site for doxxing other posters and then running off to Twitter to try to get this site shut down. Best to leave that poster’s posts in the past.


I remember that lad, he was a wrong un


What a load of bollocks.

I’m pretty sure that never happened?

My recollection is he was doxxed here though and other posters were so rattled by him they had to resort to setting up fake accounts to get him kicked off the site.

He absolutely destroyed a lot of lads here.

nikki mccann ramírez on Twitter: “Tucker Carlson: Getting COVID “does feminize people. No one ever says that but it’s true”” / Twitter

I think I have been riddled with covid but every test I have has been negative. Even the doctor thinks I have had covid at some stage, said don’t think so have had chest infections and hay fever but an anti histamine or antibiotics sorted that out. Something to be said for running those 5ks.


There’s two weeks oxygen left in this Omicron stuff. Vaccines work.

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Why is it the vaccine that is changing this?

No sign that all those pesky unvaccinated have done anything different.

Box office Luke wants the clubs open


That’s as shamelessly dishonest a narrative by McNamara as you’ll see.

Let’s be clear about what McNamara’s narrative is here. It’s that lockdown or restrictions are leading to a statistically higher amount of suicides than normal.

That’s a lie.

Duh suicides in Q2 2021 were up significantly compared to the previous year, because Q2 2020 had a very small number of suicides compared to the average.

It is nothing more than reversion to closer to the mean.

Q2 was April-June 2020, which included the height of the first wave of the pandemic, and the most stringent lockdown of any time during the pandemic. Yet it produced a very low number of suicides compared to the average.

Q2 2021 had 73 suicides. But averaged out over a year, that would mean 292 suicides, which would be the lowest figure for many years.

And indeed 2020 had the lowest amount of suicides for many years. Which means McNamara’s narrative is not just a shameless lie, but the exact opposite of the truth.

Suicides in Q1 2021 - the most restricted quarter of 2021 - went DOWN by 50% compared to Q2 2020, which was largely free of restrictions.


To sum up, McNamara’s narrative does not hold up whatsoever and he is a liar and a chancer.

It is really frustrating that liars like McNamara keep chancing their arm with their lying, Ewanist fake narratives.

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So we have The Doxxer, a serial abuser of misinformation throughout these threads now accusing others of doing the same.


Weaponising suicide isn’t cool.

Funnily enough, the same people who weaponise suicide and lie about suicide are pretty much always the same people who tell victims of long Covid that they are weak snowflakes who have nothing wrong with them.

Fuck knows what they’d say to somebody contemplating suicide.

You wouldn’t want to know, I’ll put it that way.

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