Who will be the first forumer to contract the Corona virus?

I donā€™t like my chances lads, the other half is a health care professional and I have an underlying lung ailment. If I stop posting assume the worst. I want to be e-buried with full military honours. I read earlier that @Feech_La_Manna has a pump action shotgun. Iā€™ll leave instructions in my will that a box eley no.6 cartridges are to be sent up to him so that he can fire volley over a laptop logged into TFK as a memorial.
May the lord have mercy on our souls.


A couple of facts I can confirm.
I know it was posted here earlier but I can confirm 8 staff were sent home today from UHL due to contact with a now confirmed case. they were exposed to over a week ago.
PPE is walking out UHL basically being pilfered.
Bonus factoid:
For immuno compromised people, people on chemo for example, in a study published in the lancet Based on what happened in China, itā€™s 100% fatal. Those folks need to avoid all human contact for the duration.


It seems the Coronavirus would prefer to go to hell than go to Connacht.

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Semper fidelis @TheBird :sleepy:

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Have we had anyone yet?


Itā€™s only a matter of time lads. Iā€™ve resigned myself to the fact. Fingers crossed weā€™ll bounce back and contain the spread.

Unconfirmed. Itā€™d be unfair of me to claim the title/winnings/likes as of yet. Unlikely to be honest as well. Couple of people Iā€™d be in very regular close contact with showing no symptoms at all.

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Itā€™s important to be well rested in order to build up the immune system. Iā€™m watching the early risers thread with an uneasy interest.
The snooze button might yet turn out to be our saviour in this crisis.

The lads getting pissed at home every night with the stockpiled booze might as well be playing Russian Roulette, the Irish and their booze :persevere:

I knowā€¦but at least- theyā€™re not running to the off licence every day. Credit where itā€™s due

@Copper_pipe please adjust the odds on the tfk north Kildare /meath set after the revelations in the Cheltenham thread.

  1. High fever!

Strange commentšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø

Why? When we need our immune system to be on top of its game then getting pissed up at home out of boredom seems like a silly thing to be doing,
In truth Iā€™ve been rolling my eyes for days at the gobshites on WhatsApp and twitter boasting about the amount of booze theyā€™ve managed to get in, how typically Irish is that?

The Oirish are some whingers

I will try and be polite here.

Youā€™re denying people having a few drinks at home now. Unlike you who will continue to be paid probably until September for doing fook all my job at the moment involves 14 hour days because of the turmoil in the markets. Try doing that on a laptop and coordinate staff and work in multiple geographical locations and not look forward to a few beers before going to bed and rinse and repeating the following day.


Iā€™m looking after 4 kids all day every day mate besides an hour or so where I leave the eldest in charge to get some exercise, I canā€™t take them anywhere they want to go, trying to get them to do schoolwork and get out in the fresh air as well, I donā€™t know if you have any experience of that or not?
Have your drink and be as impolite as you want, Iā€™ll just call things as I see them, thatā€™s the point of a forum


Ok guys

Now is not the time for bickering