Who will be the first forumer to contract the Corona virus?

Well said. Best of luck with everything.

Posters moaning because theyā€™ve to mind their children but chiding others for having a drink during a national emergency.


Iā€™m not moaning, I love looking after the kids,
I take exception to being told Iā€™m doing fuck all though,
Do you think itā€™s fuck all as well?

I think we need to set up a thread to pat lads on the back for minding their own kids during these difficult times. I just finished a 150 Piece jigsaw with the young wans. Iā€™m great so I am.


Fair play to them for minding you.

@anon7035031 Tis the latter.


ā€œIā€™m looking after 4 kids all day every day mate besides an hour or so where I leave the eldest in charge to get some exercise, I canā€™t take them anywhere they want to go.ā€

Sounds like moaning to me, in fairness mate.

This is a bit of a shit storm, nobody in the country is unaffected. You are in a tough situation, as is @Bod95 and everyone else on here. Nobody has a monopoly on being hard done by.

Try dealing with being told your child minder wonā€™t take your kids from tomorrow onwards and so your elderly (and possibly vulnerable) parents have no option but to mind their grandkids as thereā€™s nobody else to look after them. (Thankfully this doesnā€™t apply to me but does to another family member).


Iā€™ve settled down for the evening here.

Iā€™ve ā€œStraight Outta Comptonā€ on the LG TV (Which may combust at any minute), 4 cans of cider and an Easter egg. Might even treat myself to a Face mask also.

I might message Jessica back on Tinder too actually.

Back in work tomorrow.


Donā€™t mate, youā€™re too good for that tramp

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Ah weā€™ll see how it plays out anyway.

Although this Coronavirus situation is making Tinder right awkward so it is. Single lads like myself will have to keep chatting to a bird for weeks or even months before a date could be arranged. We may as well be fucking pen pals for the next month or so.


Look mate, I only mentioned it because I was told I was doing fuck all, I didnā€™t have any beef with @Bod95 but he clearly took my general comment as a slight,

Iā€™m not looking for a beef with anybody, Iā€™m able to stay at home with the kids which is amazing at the moment as I know loads of other families are really struggling with this, I love being able to do it but itā€™s not ā€˜nothingā€™, itā€™s hard work,

Iā€™m not drinking for the remainder of lockdown, as much as I can help it. It would be easy enough develop a dependency on it and you definitely donā€™t want the fear the next day.

I wouldnt begrudge any lad that wanted to get absolutely smashed every night of the week if they had the means and no young kids

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If you had given up the drink you lent youā€™d be right smug now so you would.

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Here you go.

Relax. Keep virus free and youll be drafted in to repopulate tge country

You missed my point you will be paid indefinitely while you are unable to do your job. Compare that to the thousands of bar and hospitality workers who were let go yesterday. They certainly wonā€™t get their full pay while the shutdown is in place.

My 2 are late teens and early 20s, again if they were younger I would gladly mind them especially when I didnā€™t have to worry about my next paycheque. Thatā€™s just my opinion, I will soldier on with work and keep going as best I can.

That was the jobs of young lads even back when I was a young lad

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Youā€™re leaving yourself wide open there kid but Iā€™ll give you a pass this time :wink:

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Lads, lads, ladsā€¦ Drink away within reason. Most of us wonā€™t avoid this thing and in lots if ways it will be better to get it and be done with it.

I went to the shop there and bought 1 beer. Iā€™m monitoring bullshit online for 11 hours while also entertaining wife, baby and two pets + tfk posting. I wouldnā€™t be getting locked and looking for attention mind like plenty on social media are, but a couple of bottles to take the edge off is no harm.


Lads are becoming like instagram young wans here. ā€œIā€™m so brave cos I have a family AND go to workā€

To think they used to give out Iron Crosses just for running at machine guns


But I never said a word to you! My point was a general one, in my opinion (just that) weā€™d be better off looking after ourselves right now with the way that this virus attacks, my career choice means that Iā€™m off work but Iā€™ve loads to be doing, work is easier to be honest, Iā€™m not doing ā€˜fuck allā€™,
Have your drink if you want to, it makes no difference to me, things seem more serious when theyā€™re written down, theyā€™re just opinions and random thoughts

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