Who will be the next Limerick manager?

It’s the perfect job for any outside man in fairness. There’s a lot of talented young players to work with, it’s fair to drop whoever the fuck you want after this year, they’re starting from such a pathetically low base that any basic level of organisation and coaching will result in and will be seen as a massive improvement, and you get a big ball of money for it.


No time for fucking around, we need to rally now… we’ve all said it, even @myboyblue is on-board… 2017 is Limerick’s year… the cunts in the county board brought out their book a year early.

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Not going to happen.


I’ll take a pm.

Deposit offered. Up to Sheedy to sort out the taxbook & collect the balance due.


Yes, Harry is stacking up shit.

Don Flynn. "He has the fire in the belly. " Says one Limerick roaster to another going in the turnstile of the Mackey stand. I’m sitting in the red seats today I wonder will jp be knocking around.

Are you hanging around for a while this time or at what point will you switch to another alias?

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Fuck away out of it.

McDonagh is too close to the big house. The others might do a good job but the more I think about it, the more I think Cunningham would be the perfect choice.



That would be super

Stepped down lads. Sheedy it is by all accounts.

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John Kiely, end of speculation.

Although it could also be Sheedy !
