Who will be the next Limerick manager?

Would you calm down.

He will renegotiate after year 1. Taking a leave of absence

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You do know what you are talking about!!! :open_mouth:

When Sheedy was over tipp you had lads on here saying his only function was to put out the cones for Eamonn O’Shea


The backgammon money must be coming through after all.

I’d fear for the lunatic quota atm with all the Ardscoileans coming thru. We’re in dire need of a few more hard chaws.

JP will buy him all the cones he wants. We’ll be drowning in cones if that’s what it takes.

Limerick the only county that could afford Sheedy

Tis forwards ye needs not cones

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Cones would be better than some of our forwards


Some of your forwards are eating too many cones.


Sheedy will learn u boys

We’ve a few Wibbly Wobbly Wanders up front alright.

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Some of our forwards would make better cones

Dalo is the man to get performances out of lads who are not the best hurlers

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Spotted a former Limerick hurler in the vicinity of our esteemed secretary earlier…


The Limerick GAA secretary or your secretary at work?

Smoking too many cones.



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Well at least we have something to hold our attention now that the association football is over