Who will be the next Limerick manager?

Donal O’Grady is the best man for the job that doesn’t currently have a job, he’s a very smart fellow who should be given licence to select everyone around him.

No Thanks. He left himself down big time the last time around.

How so?

Let his ego get in the way and resigned after the league because the teams shite league form was rightly criticised by Co Board and supporters.

And the time before that when he persisted with really really bad selection decisions which fucked up the team. He have them better coached than they have been in the years before or since though. cc @backinatracksuit

They are better this year than last.

A coach can only imorove a mature team by 5-10%. But he can worsen by 40-50% real easy. Any improvements show a decent job being done.

I wasn’t comparing Corks Ger to anyone. Just saying he is a very good coach.

Have you been coached by either or both of them? Or are you just listening to pub talk?

Ah i think the proof is in the pudding since. DOG left for many reasons, and a bizarre attitude from a completely unsuccessful bunch of players, management and County Board are the main reasons.

People like him need carte blanche. Its these fucking insider morons who cannot let go of control and like to have their man in there are the problem. Same in Cork, same in most unsuccessful teams/clubs/counties. Change is hard and people get used to mediocrity so they reject new and more advanced and often proven methods. Soccer and GAA are masters of it.

Both Cork and Limerick need complete outside management teams with nothing inky the man to sign cheques and put on subs needed.

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But surely Limerick need the ‘liberties clique’ to keep a handle on things?

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Limerick’s best seasons of recent years were under John Allen and the year after.

After DOG and Teege joined, they regressed, and looked very much like they were suffering under DOG’s strict short game plan during the league. (Far from glowing reports on training sessions under O’Grady but clearly his coaching was some way good) After DOG threw the toys out and left, Teege let them off the leash a bit and they had a bit of a renaissance. They clearly had the benefit of the coaching and organisation of the Allen years and the early season coaching of DOG helping them that year, culminating in the performance against Kilkenny. After that Teege brought them steadily downhill.


Nail on the head.

I agree that an outside team is needed. However someone like Ollie Morgan is probably needed as some kind of liason between the county board and management.
The critiscising of DOG in 2014 was not justified. They were on the right track and there must have been some decent coaching going on in the background as I would argue that 2014 was probably more successful then 2013 in terms of progress.
The subsequent collapse in 2015 and 2016 is more of a result of a weak manager, who did not have the balls at the end of 2015 to either walk away or tell the CC to go fuck themselves and name his crew. A large part of the 2016 collapse can be directly attributed to this. Somehow I doubt that Brian Cody got dragged through the fires for their collapse to Clare in the league semi final.

If the money is there then they should not be afraid to appoint so eos e who will ,oak for complete control over all things panel related and should be allowed appoint his own team of selectors, coaches, etc.
Give him an initial two year term and let him live or die by it.

How long was Allen there?

DOG does not employ a purely short game though, thats the thing. I think there are some handy excises there and a bit of cognitive bias. When you leave a situation like that and you are the keep it to yourself man that DOG is then the people who are the problem get to write the history as you hand iver the narrative. Not saying he is perfect but the bit of work he has done elsewhere since, his articles on hurling and what people say about him who know him is he has moved from that 04/05 era. He is smart enough to know ecerything depends on who you have available. Having said that (and this could be Allens influence as well) up to around midfield Limerick in a positive way played successfully with a reasonably similar style to that Cork side but from there up still had a “whack it long” attitude when any pressure was applied.

What alot of Limerick lads let off even here is that it could never be our fault. Blame the outsider.

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I have it from a very good source that it is between Anthony Daly and Anthony Cunningham with Daly being the preference. I think Cunningham’s more authoritarian style might be more suited to this particular culture.

I firmly believe that the fall of Kevin Downes from grace can be contributed in no small way to DOG’s departure.

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All I can garner from this thread is that the majority of Limerick poster are simpletons.


And they are still a country mile ahead of you.


Allen did two years. No I didn’t blame it all the outsider. I also give some credit to DOG for creditable performances later in 2014.

DOG may indeed have moved on from the 04/05 style. Presumably he has. However, after Allen left DOG was there for the following league. Limerick supporters observed a regression during that league: a lot of short passing, and a team that looked unsure/uneasy with how it was being asked to play. DOG then left. There was a very clear shift in style/approach (and selections) and a creditable run in 2014 followed.

That’s just what happened in that season.

What I’m saying is limerick probably benefited from O’Grady’s coaching in 2014. (They also still had the benefit of the excellent work by Allen the two years before). But it also seems to me they benefited from DOG leaving.

Of course they went backward at a rate of knots since.

I think Dalo would be good for Limerick. He understands them better than most outsiders would. They’re not that dissimilar to Clarecastle.


Gas cunts. Would Cody be good enough for them?

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Cody would have to seriously drop his discipline standards if he came to Limerick or he’d have no players left