Who will be the next Limerick manager?

Yea ok I’ll take that.

To be honest chief it’s irrelevant at this stage. Limerick at the end of the day weren’t good enough. At leasthe though those generation of players will always have the honour of being the first team to beat Cork on their own patch in championship hurling.

You are rewriting history now.

How many steps did Mulcahy take ?

about 20, the cunt.

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Did he throw the ball from one hand to the other in the midst of it as well :smile:

I think he did actually.

I think all Limerick supporters want Ciaran to get the job.

His appointment would ensure that people get behind the team again. It would be also be good PR for the county board.

If I was advising Ciaran I’d say not to go near it, he could have an involvement certainly but he doesn’t have the guile for that level of hurling and will be better remembered in the long run as a legendary player.

He is beloved by Limerick hurling supporters and will always be.

What we know is he would give his all as manager and would inspire the team greatly

He might be beloved but he will be called the biggest cunt of all time by next Easter if we didn’t get out of 1B.


Thats his first aim

There’s very few get a free pass, Carey can be abrasive enough I’d say, ye wouldn’t be long calling for his head with the faux ‘he’s been a great servant’ line.
He needs to work under someone first.

Hoganstand had an article up stating John Tuohy was “a serious contender” to be the next Limerick manager and then took it down again.

The ‘Guile’ ? Are you fucking serious? The man has more ‘guile’ in his baby finger than any Limerick hurler.

I think he would be a great appointment, would inspire the players and supporters alike. Might get Cian Lynch hurling again too.

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John Tony ?

Supporters aren’t lacking in inspiration at all mate. :grinning:
There’s a lot more involved in inter county management, I’d love to wrong.

Reports from Kerry were mixed

Tuohy. Fucking auto correct.

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He was under John Allen and he fucked off when the going got tough. He has abandoned more limerick teams than that too. I’d like to see him get it, and I’d be delighted if he did well but he’s done nothing to prove he is a Messiah like some of the boys here think.


Outstanding coach/manager.