Who will be the next Limerick manager?

Great decision

Joe McKenna described as " former Limerick manager and multiple all star winner" The AI medal he has mustn’t be worth a fuck

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Unusual to see a committee setup in the GAA with no Liam Sheedy on it, would certainly lend credence to the reports that he’s getting the job.

Could they not have found a few lads from the 1940’s winning team to go on it? The average age of that committee is far too low

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Chairman Mann described both as “very successful businessmen commercially and avid Limerick hurling supporters”.

FFS what has that got to do with anything and why do they persevere with this shit year after year like it adds some gravitas or variety to the selection process? There are countless avid Limerick supporters but because these two are “successful businessmen” they should be deemed capable of selecting a hurling manager? What are these two guys hurling backgrounds? We know the other three - two failures from the county board and one of the liberties clique.


What’s Spike’s email address? I’ll email him my own candidacy. I did a car crash of an interview a few weeks back so another interview would help be brush up on my interview skills. I’d try and fit in as many TFK’isms as possible in there too. “Box office”, “mugged off”, “whactics” etc.

Seriously what’s the point of this five man panel. Spike will decide and the other four will be nodding sheep.

As an aside - there was an O’Connor lad from Croagh on the minor hurling team two or three years back. (May also have been called Brendan). A fine strong hurler but then he got a bad injury that set him back. Is he any relation to the guy on this committee?

EDIT - this guy on the selection is the father of Brendan Junior. Owns Foynes Engineering.

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Teege should go for it again. He’s more qualified than last time now that he has three years intercounty experience under his belt



If Eddie keher was fit …

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only in limerick youd get that, jaysus

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We should have got Donald Trump on this selection committee.

Ticks most of the boxes.
A cunt
Successful business man.
Doesn’t know much about hurling.


From he’s commets the last few years i’d say eddie saw and agreed that was the way forward

What line of business are these two bucko’s in anyway so we can gauge how “successful” they are? They can tie a knot on their own ties is it that kind of thing?

There will be no appointment until after the minor. Daly’s final interview.

That is sooooo 2010

Ah ffs lads- Bernard Duggan & Brendan O’Connor?? For fuck’s sake like.

At least Joe McKenna has a hurling profile. I’m sure those lads like hurling, and being a great hurler doesn’t mean you’re the right man to pick a county manager but for fuck’s sake…

Duggan windows?

Yeah, they do a few different things but yeah afaik they’re the window people.

As @dodgy_keeper has mentioned earlier this, in effect, is a one-man selection committee.

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Wake up. McKenna isn’t a hurling brain. He reports back to pj to see if he’s happy to sign to cheque for whichever candidate these clowns decide on.

You’re forgetting one other vital ingredient that Trump has.
The “what’s in it for me?” ingredient

None of them are hurling brains! Clearly.

But Joe McKenna is probably in the top three hurlers the county has ever had. Profile is what I said.

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