Who will be the next Limerick manager?

He’s a messenger.

I just can’t understand why there isn’t a representative from the players on it.

This selection committee is a piss take isn’t it? One of the rubberbandits put out the rumour and it just got legs?

They need people like Steve McDonagh or Joe Quaid on the selection panel. That would rule Joe out of the job but he has no chance anyway.

Some of Those cowardly cunts would almost certainly want a Cian o Neill figure or maybe Jim mcguiness.

Yea fair enough but @Smark explained better what I was thinking when I said a players representative

In fairness I don’t think the players should be having a major voice in the selection of the next manager. There’s enough politics in the county as it is without adding another layer to it. Could get very messy if the players had one of the five apparent “votes” - even though this is basically a one man Frank Murphy job who will see his chosen candidate get in without any/much debate or opposition.

Write off 2017 already. Trusting some of these fools to make an appointment for the good of Limerick hurling. :joy:


Yea I agree as I said in my previous post @Smark was bang on when he said someone like McDonagh or Quaid. That would be a better option. It’s looking very much like trying g to persuade someone to take the job other then someone wanting it. I’d say even Babs has a shot at this stage


It’s farcical. Designated yes men chosen who won’t rock the boat and will happily go with the top tables directive.

Tipp are on about winning a football AI by 2020. We’ll struggle to have TJ’s successor in place in the same time frame.

If sheedy says no it’s Brian Ryan’s.


You are some distance from being accurate

I really hope you’re right

McKenna is there to satisfy JP’s interests but at least he is somewhat qualified to be on this panel.

Brendan O Connor would have a fair knowledge of the players as his son would have played on the ard scoil team with
Dowling, Hannon, Downes and a few more. However he looks completely out of his depth for this.
He would have had involvement with Croagh junior hurling but that’s about it. It is possible that he may be there as a puppet for Charlie Chawke though as there is a family connection afaik. He’s also related to Charles Hanley.

Bernard Duggan is the biggest surprise. He would be more of a golfing man than a hurling man and wouldn’t be able to name half of the players. He’s no fool and I’m very surprised that he’s got involved in this.
He would definitely take no shit from Mann and Spike and wouldn’t be afraid to question them, however I suspect that he is there to also represent Mcmanus as they would be golfing buddies and probably have had business dealings in the past.

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Joe and Brian have been very cosey together at a couple of underage games in the past few weeks by all accounts.

Welcome onboard. Tell us more about yourself. How many points did you get in the leaving?

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We’ve got Mann, spike, a father of a lad that played with hannon underage, a golfing enthusiast and the cheque book. Is Duggan going to be used to get these clowns into some fancy golf course to conduct business?


Fuck off you pervert.



Now that should be in the slow looking roaster thread.