Who will be the next Limerick manager?



Absolutely :joy:

The beat London in the Semi Final for fucks sake. Glorified community games medal for fucks sakes.

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clare roaster alert


This is surely the greatest amount of whinging over the make-up of a commatttteee since Dev chickened out of going to England.

Kilkenny must have had Einstein, Kofi Annan and Lory fucking Meagher on theirs when they appointed Cody.

Jesus wept.


Every All Ireland won before the Guinness sponsorship begun should have an asterisk beside it

Lads I think ye are being harsh on McKenna. Since he took over the academy , our minor teams have been consistently good.we have reached 2 AI finals and 2 AI semi’s in four years. That has been unheard of. Mckenna has steered this for the last number of years so he has to be doing something right .


i told ye who to put money on

You mentioned a few names, have you decided who is your favourite this week :wink:

Joe quaid, Brian Ryan and Jerry Wallace were the reason for that. All of which have since left Limerick for various reasons.

Joe is a great man

I can confirm that a short list has been drawn up but no one has been approached yet. The hope is to interview 3 candidates before AI final day or there abouts.

Tell ungle Joe?


Joe Quaid had aboslutely nothing to do with this years or last years minor teams. He only had input to the Ronan Lynch team that lost an AI through Brian Ryan’s nepotism and ineptness in an AI final. Jerry Wallace again though he had a good influence over the first two successful minor teams would have absolutely no input to the last two years.

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The Limerick way… You get what you deserve I suppose.

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:laughing: :laughing:

Is that because he didn’t play your young lad, TJ?

