Who will be the next Limerick manager?

New managers work wonders for Limerick. It follows that a new manager every year is the most proven route to success. The whole problem is expecting Limerick managers to repeat the gains of Year 1 when that rarely if ever happens.

@Julio_Geordio @glasagusban @backinatracksuit @glasagusban

I told you already that’s a nothing article. A load of me bollox.

I agree and already said here who has iit

It’s definitely Anthony Cunningham so Joe?
You should take to posting humorous photos of him every couple of days in response to all debate on this thread.

There’s a surprise name in the mix, kid.

Who is the person referred to as Kip Killigan?

Also, while Im at it, is Buff Egan a parody similar to Rorys stories or just a helpless misfortune?

Helpless… Hapless…

I heard somewhere it might be Liam Sheedy, but don’t quote me on that

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Pm me as to where you heard that

The Hogan Stand pub last Sunday.

Must be true so

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sheedy is not a surprise

Yea unless the try a limerick mix. but I am sticking to Cuningham

Would ye still take Kinnerk lads? Or is he damaged goods?

I’d take him, yes. But only if he is going to have an input and not only as a political appointment.

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WTF Bro?

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Plausible alright. Choo Choo…

He will look great in a Limerick top next year.