Who will be the next Limerick manager?

All jokes aside. He will be very good for Limerick, he’ll instill mental toughness & competitiveness in them.

He get a good trainer & selectors too.

An entire Tipp backroom team I’m hearing.

Trainer is part of agreement i believe, Selectors from within the County.

Need a couple I suppose.

He’s easily the best external candidate out there.

Fuck off


Sheedy hasn’t been approached … Yet. Your man is spamming the fuck out of this thread.

And he hasn’t even nailed his colours to the mast and said sheedy will get it or will take it. We know. He is the best possible external candidate though.

No one has posted any severe reservations about him yet anyways - this marks him out among the candidates mentioned so far. Anyone to give him both barrels of it now, so they get to boast about being well ahead of the curve when it all (inevitably) goes tits up in early 2017/2018?


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Significant developments regarding the decision on the next Limerick hurling manager !!!

Expenses for the committee have been agreed?


Thank you, Sir. After a little bit of research I have decided to throw a few names at the shower running (badly) Limerick GAA.

In no particular order:
Oliver - Squealer (master of propoganda)
Riordan - Old Major. (opinionated arsehole, ultimately seriously flawed, thinks everyone loves him )
Bríd - Penelope Pitstop
McKenna - Woody (likes to be in charge and for everyone else to know that)
Mickey Sullivan - Muttley (snaky cunt sniggering in the background)
Owen Hayes - Mammy two shoes (the headless black wan from Tom and Jerry roaring and bawling around the place)
Liam OSullivan - Mighty Mouse
Morrissey - Mr Burns (would fuck over his own mother to get his way)
Holmes - Frederick (unscrupulous farmer from Animal Farm)
Brian Ryan - Kip Killigan
PJ - Richie Rich

That’ll do for now, my head hurts.

Anyway, I still hope Cunningham will get the job.


Cunningham is the man for limerick no mess

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But Daily is odds on to get the job

Is there a book open on it Joe?
Odds on seems ridiculous.

Daly’s interview is set for Sunday week chief

What the fuck??

I didn’t know that, have others been contacted or will he be appointed if he wears his best suit and waffles appropriately for a half an hour?