Who will be the next Limerick manager?

He’s only 51. Looks a bit older.

Box office

“Drills are only for sowing spuds” - Tom Ryan


No to Cunningham.

Who do you want so? That queer fella?

And wasn’t he proven right.
Drills are old hat now


Who should be the next manager?

Fact. It’s all match scenario type stuff now. In other words, backs and forwards is back. Tom is a visionary

Who are you calling queer?

Answer the effing question I asked you. You said no to Cunningham so name me who you would like in there instead and why they’re a better fit than Cunningham?

Has Liam Sheedy being mentioned?


Cunningham is fucking useless.

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Who are you referring to?

Who is queer lads?

In Wexford everything is queer.

Elton John.

Now can you answer my question please.


That should see him go to the top of the list so going on the track record of appointments that 3 of the current 5 man committee were involved in.

Why would Elton John be a candidate for limerick manager you gimp?


It’s all the rage now. Sure look at Clare bringing in Donal Óg, Limerick looking to keep up with the fads and bring in Elton as selector.

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