Who will be the next Limerick manager?

I suppose we will have to wait and see but I think you are being harsh on all those lads. Tomorrow will give us some indication.

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Wouldnt be like him to be harsh on young fellas at all.

No it won’t 21s is a non event.

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No, just that he wanted the job but wasn’t fancied.

A management team of 5 is a lot to be making decisions on the sideline in the heat of it. Happy to hear they’ll be all Limerick men though, wasn’t too keen on the idea of Donal Og being appointed manager. Could it be true that ‘Leo the Liar’ is actually about to be appointed manager?! :scream: In fairness his record isn’t bad at all, won 2011 Munster U21, brought Limerick Minors to Munster Final 2015, brought Limerick Intermediates to Munster Final 2016. Who else do we have with a better record? He never really did much at club level though. With 4 others alongside him he might be grand out. Cant be any worse than TJ.

In any event the players during their review made it clear the priority has to be the coach and physical prep., not a ‘manager’. They have got their man. It is interesting to see the name of the coach leaked long before the manager or selectors are announced. Kiely got his info from his few buddies in Na Piarsaigh. Kinnerk would be great friends with the likes of David Breen, whom Kiely believed was a superstar…

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I can’t quiet believe the changes in circumstances either tbh.

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I’ve no idea who he is but SHANE O’NEILL is the next Limerick hurling manager.

He’s not even in the betting which is annoying

Tom Ryan feels the goal should have been allowed:
It shouldn’t have been disallowed. There was no interference with any player; there was no incident. No forward, as I saw it, interfered with any back; the goalkeeper wasn’t interfered with . . . The disallowed goal was a scandal, it was a disgraceful and outrageous decision. It was never caught on camera because it never happened. He made the decision from the middle of the field. It was a legitimate goal and the two refereeing decisions in my time that I have to highlight were the penalty decision in Thurles in 1995 and that decision.

The disallowed goal was the cause of Limerick losing that All-Ireland final. We would have won it by six or seven points. We had a lot of wides in the last eight or nine minutes. We had some very bad wides as well, everyone had them. Carey had one or two very bad wides. But that goal being disallowed finished us. It would have spurred us on if it had been scored. I have no problem contesting a game. Quality of hurling and image and discipline are very important to me and I have no problem with referees.

In this case we were dealing with a referee who shouldn’t have been refereeing it because he was a Leinster referee, anyway. If Cork were playing he wouldn’t be refereeing it, I guarantee you, because Frank Murphy would make sure he wouldn’t be there. But again we had no representation in any boardroom anywhere. We were dealing with only wimps in the county board. That’s what they were and that’s the way they acted, and that’s what you have in the county board in Limerick and that’s the way they are still. There isn’t a man in them. And they ask then why is Limerick hurling down. We are down because of the management, we are down because of the standards, we are down because of the whole makeup. It’s further down we are going because rugby is going to clean away the whole thing in Limerick now and soccer is gaining ground by the day as well.

Declan Nash concurs wholeheartedly:
Against Wexford that day – and you can print this fing thing if you want – they had the toss and he didn’t even remember who won it. When the man got sent off, he [the ref.] came down and gave out to us all for ruining the day and he seemed to be panicking. I can guarantee you that we were never going to win that day. Having sent off the man he wasn’t going to be seen to be the man that beat Wexford. No matter what we did, we would have had to have been ten times better to beat Wexford that day. Can he see the foul for Brian Tobin’s goal on video? It didn’t fing happen, if that’s what it was, and I sincerely doubt it, because I have been a long time waiting for an answer. I’d love to know if RTÉ have other pictures of what went on. . . Why wasn’t that said at the time? Why wasn’t the Limerick player who committed the foul spoken to?

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It’s alright lad, you will know for sure in a few short days.


It’s O’Neill. Who is he - former player??

Brought to a Munster final? Sure you nearly start out with a 50/50 chance of that


Well, since you ask, Shane is a Na Piarsaigh man.

He managed them to a club All Ireland this year.

Why isn’t he in the betting ?

@thedancingbaby, the only man truly in the knock in Limerick hurling matters.

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He was in betting but way down the list and was way down the list of who they wanted also…

@anon32894817 will be delighted

Players on the starting 15 don’t know who the manager is yet but some guy from the Internet who once ate his own shit does…

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Unless the lads play poorly and then you will be back here with a big “I told you so” head on you.