Wild Mushrooms

I’ve licked worse.


I’m around tommorrow night. It must be mushroom time

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First few of year. Ground too hard as yet for a flush.


Are they different species or different maturity, looking at the gill colour ?

Difficulty maturity, yes. Spot on.

Within field mushrooms, you have different types, buttons, cups (most people’s favourite) and flats (the taller parasol like ones). You also get saddle-shaped ones.

The mushrooms, like Cork, are up…


We’d never have mushrooms in the bit of a field/garden we have, but I noticed the distinctive figure of 8 pattern in the grass last week. Sure enough, there were a handful of big flat mushrooms there today.

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How will you cook them?

Frying pan, small bit of oil, rashers, crisped up. Then mushrooms, butter. Then turned out on toast. Nothing better.

I like to cover the pan, so as to draw out moisture from the mushrooms, and then to uncover and turn up the heat at the end, evaporating most of the moisture. I think this approach intensifies the flavour. But this craic is considered a bit outré in my parents’ house…

I also like to casserole the big mushrooms – what we call platters – with chicken thighs. Can be frozen and the mushrooms enjoyed in October and November.


That sounds lovely. Mushrooms need to be browned for me. Nothing worse than soggy insipid grey ones that made me hate mushrooms as a child. I’m gone stone mad on oyster mushrooms whenever I can find them in a supermarket (rarely), they’re unbelievably delicious.

Yes, turning up heat at end is great for browning them.

Try and get some wild mushrooms. For flavour, they knock every other mushroom, except a cep, into a cocked hat.

I’ve been eating them raw with fresh spinach and blue cheese, with a garlic/honey/mustard dressing. HFW recipe.


Now that ‘recipe’ sounds great. Never tried it.

I have some of HFW’s handbooks, such as the mushroom one and the game one. Must re-peruse.

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Great thing about climate change, plenty of soft days ahead for Mushroom hunters

I know. It’s not much of a ‘recipe’ in fairness, but it is very tasty and quick. I was out again at lunch time and got a kilo of field mushrooms. Mushrooms on toast (from the HFW/John Wright book) to follow.

An unsettling thought…

Not if the gulf stream moves, goodbye temperate climate and hello the weather they get in Nova Scotia, frozen solid most of the year.

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Is Nova Scotia frozen solid most of the year?

It’s not no. Very similar climate to Ireland but with colder winters alright and warmer summers.

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No. It has very nice summers in fact.