With rent increasing is now the time to buy a 2nd property from the bank

This is the future.

It’s growing real estate in the US again and the funds are buying up the old ones and developing new ones.

What exactly are you saying here? I should invest in a few halting sites?

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Good luck collecting the rent


Mike has the the first name to do it in fairness.

An Anthony with him and he’d be away in a hack.

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Some take the lightbulbs with them mate…

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900k apartments in Dublin and 6k per annum service charges.

This is getting close to 2007 territory




Fuckin madness.It probably doesn’t even have a decent island.

It’s gone fucking mad around here too. I’d nearly sell and move the lot of us in with the parents till the crash comes.


Only for the hassle your right.

Yeah, the crash would want to come fairly lively or I’d have a divorce on my hands.:laughing:


Told this story before. The post it was in response to was two years ago suggesting it was a good idea then. You’d probably be after watching the housing market go up 20% minimum since, more in some places, and you’d be under 24 hour surveillance


I’m hesitant to believe any Fine Gael press release that just goes to slate Sinn Fein, but there is constant news lately of numerous housing developments being objected to and refused planning

Now it shouldn’t always be the case that once planning goes in, it has to be processed. But at the same time a lot of these objections are by locals who don’t want more houses in their locality.


Cuntish behaviour.

I remember we moved into a place in Skerries and it was to be cleaned before we moved in. When we moved in and sent them photos of socks behind radiators and unclean areas in the kitchen etc, they wrote back to us (the letting agency, saying that maybe our standard of cleanliness were different and if they wanted they could tear up the contract and we could look for somewhere else to live). Cunts.
Most humans will make shit of a house before any dog.

TG4 twitter is gold tbf

He’s dead right there

This is one of Fintan O’Toole’s better articles. It’s bizarre the amount the church owes the state but refuses to pay. Also bizarre the environment FG have designed for how such sites should be developed.