With rent increasing is now the time to buy a 2nd property from the bank

rory aherne back again

Dr Rory Hearne: Investors received a clear message from Government last night - ‘keep buying, you’re flying’ (thejournal.ie)

sorry @Tim_Riggins the article makes no mention of him running for PBP back in the noughties

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In addition to recognising that Rory ran for Populism before Prosperity, I would like the Journal to mention alongside “institutional investors” /REITs like I-RES who the ultimate shareholders and beneficiaries are. Those of course include pension funds, acting for both semi state and private employees.

Jaysus lads materials are goin through the roof.There isn’t a week goes by that I don’t get an email off McMahons about price rises.



Price of timber is ridiculous. I was quoted €40 for and 8x4x3"4 plywood. Fucking plyboard

Not having a go at bushes but hard to square this circle where council trying an affordable scheme and many will have this reaction…

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:rofl::rofl: its more of a ball hop to get a reaction. Its a good scheme no less. I assume you’ve never been back there. Saying that the Corner House is a lovely pub

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I have passed through pallaskenry but know fck all about it

Reading the detail of thay scheme it looks like a very fair aoproach

You must be able to get a mortgage for your share so they are essentially using the bank as the watchdog here to make sure people of relative good standing can avail of the scheme…

The scheme is a very good start for where we are at. More of that is needed so I hope its a success. More supply at affordable levels is the only way out of this mess. It will benefit someone thankfully. In fairness pallas is grand if you want a small town but also a rural area. Iirc isn’t there a big park and biodiversity area being put in bear the village? @TreatyStones might know?

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Supposedly ya, in that swampy area behind the soccer and GAA pitches.

There’s been a heap of houses built there in recent years.


Ireland takes every iota of financial good fortune and throws it into house prices. It’s a fcuking stupid system really


Timber and copper have increased significantly in 2021. House build cost is going up

Removing the CGT exemption on the sale of PPR is an interesting suggestion. Hard to justify why it is exempted and has fueled this idea of “a property ladder”
and a house being a wealth generation tool rather than a home

Would raise 2.4bn


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They should bring back the window tax as well.

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As long as they don’t bring in an island tax


There’s a blindspot in Ireland around any wealth tax relating to a family asset (home, farm etc). We think it’s outrageous that personal wealth like that should be considered for tax. Ironically its the left wing parties who are almost more vocal in this.

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0.57 acre site without planning but sold subject to planning has just gone on the market in Boleybeg outside Galway city for 200k. It’s absolutely mental. That’s Celtic tiger price and more. 300k for half an acre just down further towards barna.
Site in Boleybeg was 60k two years ago.

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This is bonkers money.

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It’s the left in in Ireland that are against taxing wealth. Right.

It’s insane. There’s lots of nicer parts of Connemara than roundstone, and that place will be an ould damp spot by the looks.
This can’t really end well.
All these crazy prices do is line the pockets of the baby boomers, the already wealthy, and put people in hock for thirty years for somewhere to sleep. Hard to know what the answer is. Certainly all rental and air BnB income should be taxed at the top rate irrespective of who owns it.

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