Womens sports

Not cool
Rugby supporters need to DO BETTER

They’ll just have to go out and do a few tries I suppose.

Oh Paul…

He’s just asking questions

Equal pay

Plenty of width.

They’ll be screeching about sexism now.

That’s from about 10+ years ago.

I’m not saying the result would change. But it’s an old clip being used to rabble rouse.

Edit: I’m wrong. I assumed when I saw Lee Trundle that it was an old clip. Apparently it’s a team of ex-Wrexham players. :man_shrugging:

it doesn’t look like a regulation pitch either

Was it even 11v11?

7 a side.

It’s from yesterday.


I thought it might have been 5 a side.

I was thinking it would be a lot more than 12-0 if it was the actual Wrexham team

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Not the USWNT either.

I think it was

Auld lads who useta play for Wrexham ffs


No I believe it was a representative selection of women who used to play for the USWNT. In the same way that it was former Wrexham players. The tournament was 7 a side.

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None of that is important. We just want to rile a few lads so keep the facts out of it please.

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Lee Trundle would have been a great foil for Robbie Keane if Kerr had called him up.