Womens sports

Itā€™s certainly a more watchable feminine sport than rugby.

The overall tv rights package is you have to buy the mens womens and 20s six nations together amd broadcast all

Sport is predominately watched by men. Men will watch womens sport for one reason. RTE choose rugby.

Doubt there are many men watching Womenā€™s rugby.

Whatā€™s the big deal with this one?
She isnā€™t even remotely good looking?

She has a face?

Sheā€™s no Sharlene Mawdsley or Livvy Dunne.

Grand looking ladyā€¦more of that I sayā€¦

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Be the holy!

A great victory for Gript and the anti-WOKE mob.


Fuck all to do with Gript I reckon but sure any excuse to have a crack.:grin:

Anybody who votes against allowing women to wear shorts is the embodiment of Griptā€™s target market.

As far as Iā€™m aware, and I could be wrong, but the powers that be tried to change it 10+ years ago and it was overwhelmingly voted down by the players themselves. They wanted the game to remain feminine.

What they wear now is termed a ā€˜skortā€™ I believe. Which is basically a one-piece togs with a skirt hanging outside it. Again I could be wrong as Iā€™ve never seen one up close.

Male hurlers should have the option to wear skirts if they want.

Iā€™m led to believe a few of the Tipp lads already wear them underneath.


Thatā€™s a big improvement on them wearing Manchester United jerseys underneath.

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Which is the correct answer. The players themselves wanted to keep skorts. Some may prefer otherwise but the demoncratic view was that they would be kept.

Would I be right in thinking that the wording was that they should change to shorts rather than scorts?
Iā€™m not sure why itā€™s a thing anyway, but why couldnā€™t they let the players choose which to wear individually?

There were two motions, one to replace skorts with shorts, and one to allow players the option of wearing skorts or shorts. Both were defeated.

Seems very reasonable to allow the option.

Itā€™s a bit pointless complaining after the votes, maybe the delegates should have been lobbied better if the majority of players actually did want a change, though wouldnā€™t be entirely surprising if their wishes were ignored either.

Ah right. I presume it was only ladies voting anyway.