Womens sports

Please provide a link to this.

Also please explain how and why a vote over a decade ago should dictate policy now.

Iā€™m sure there were men voting, but yes it was at Camogie Association Congress.

Iā€™d say if a motion to require camogie players to have a dowry was brought at the Camogie Congress it would probably pass.

I was involved with an underage intercounty camogie team a number of years ago. The players voted to keep skortsā€¦almost unanimously. I have no evidenceā€¦I never thought Iā€™d need it.

Why should women and girls playing camogie not be allowed wear shorts?

What are the arguments for not allowing them wear shorts? Men wear shorts. Women Gaelic footballers wear shorts.

Itā€™s absolutely bizarre.

I can honestly see no other reason for not allowing it other than the insane anti-woke mind virus.

Errrā€¦they (the players) made the decision at the time, not me. I assumed they would have opted for shorts but they didnā€™t.

OK so there are no arguments for keeping shorts banned.

Its a matter for the players as I understand itā€¦majority rules.

The players had no say in this vote, it was taken by delegates, 55% of whom seemingly want to live in Devā€™s Ireland.

I am presuming that the delegates reflected the position of their players. I was surprised at the vote of the players before. But they were unequivocal about it.

A hape of lads on the internet discussing the best attire for female sportswomen :joy::joy::joy:


The irony isnā€™t lost that this discussion is happening a few posts after a slow motion video focusing on the arse of a girl in soccer shorts. Hockey women can choose between skorts and shorts, the vast majority choose skorts.

The camogie organisations are an absolute joke, they are archaic and donā€™t even nearly represent the players.

I got involved with camogie teams this year and there wasnā€™t a single girl on either team that wore a skort at a single training season, and yet are obliged to wear them at matches. So fucking stupid.

Give the choice at least. Skorts are the most fucking ridiculous thing :joy::joy:



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Coincidental or what?


Why donā€™t they all just wear shorts in protest

Because they all donā€™t want to.

Skorts for some, shorts for the rest.

Iā€™d say your one Katie McCabe is an awful dose altogether