World War 2

I lived in Germany for four years back in the early 90s. The only reason they were pissed off with ww2 was because they lost. I’d hazard a guess and say they were as anti Jewish then as they were before the war.

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The Nazis? A right shower of cunts, but don’t cod yourself into thinking the other crowd were worth joining. We saw enough of what they could do, or do you still think 2 million died on this island in the 1840s because 1 crop failed? The “famine” is right.

And it wasn’t just Ireland that saw the brunt of it. The first ever concentration camps were set up by the Brits in the Boer War. And you should google “Amritsar” and come back to us again and tell us how much of a disgrace it was we didn’t want to join the Brits :rollseyes:

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No offence but I’m not sure you are best placed to comment on this matter. The Americans had no trouble coming over and doing their bit to save Europe. It wasn’t Britain’s war. It was a world war and it is a disgrace.

More that we didn’t have a pot to piss in. We had no business going fighting anyone in a proper war. And we still don’t.

The Americas came to save Europe? :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


What were they like Mike?

I find them very hard to read, no much lightness or easy craic like you’d knock out of french or Spanish people. Honest, straightforward, but is there a hidden rage beneath it. Kinda like Harry Enfields German in the queue character.

I met a lad called Adolf. About fifty. Shortened to Adie.

The French got the yanks their independence. If it wasn’t for the Europeans, the yanks would be singing god save the queen before superbowl

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To see the ages of the American troops that died on the beaches trying to free Europe is scary.

They were defeated but willing to go on killing Americans to the last bullet. Their long standing tradition of suicide as an honour thing meant they would go on and on. The yanks knew they had to break them mentally to truly end them.

:laughing: “Wil de EU go ta war ladz?”


“De Americins had no problum comin ovr ta Europe ta save us lad”

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They were a bit strange but once they decided they liked you, you had a friend for life. I still keep in touch with a few I met over there. The biggest issue they have is that that they never have a plan b. By that I mean if something goes tits up they just down tools. It’s all about the process and if something breaks down, they cant deal with it. In fairness Paddy will try to climb over, go through, crawl under or go around if something goes wrong. The germans wont, they’ll just wait for someone else to sort it.

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The Americans came over to protect their debtors


For the same reason the tans went to war… Power and money.

They still came out and fought. Unlike the Irish who stayed at home moaning about the brits and the famine.

Owe the yanks a million and it’s your problem owe them a billion and it’s theirs

There’s never a shortage of meat for the grinder mate, doesn’t make it a good idea to voluntarily throw yourself in

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