World War 2

Well nobody has come up with sort of good reasons as to why we stayed at home and watched the nazis steam roll Europe. I’m grateful especially to the Americans who came over and fought.

That’s a very broad statement. They had absolutely no intention of coming out before the harbour. You can debate whether or whether not they would have got involved if the Japanese hadn’t attacked them.

Go way and read a book or two.


Ireland of 1939 was in absolutely no position to have an Army enter any war for fuck sake, we could barely feed ourselves :rollseyes:

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The yanks have never done anything that wasn’t in their self interest. I’d agree it was probably their last somewhat noble war. They got stuck in all sorts of shit afterwards

Oliver Stone documentary reckoned the US were aware of the Soviets coming over land to attack Japan and dropped bomb to end war to stop Soviets getting their first and bringing Communism to Japan

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Fair enough at least you debate things reasonably. Still did fight though unlike Ireland who remained “neutral”. I think switzerland are the only neutral country I know and the Swiss are an abomination.

Lads ye’re being pulled in here by a fella who hasn’t a notion what he’s on about and is only emulating another gobdaw on here

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Said the fish a half hour after biting down on the hook

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I never said I knew much about the topic Esteban. Your very bent out shape over it.

The Yanks had as much to do with saving Europe as Paddy who stayed at home did :rollseyes:

It shows a “I saw it on Facebook” understanding of the war to actually believe the Normandy landings “saved” Europe.

The war was won at Kursk. By the Red Army.


The Japs were ready to surrender by all accounts. They dropped the bomb as a warning to the soviets. I think the Japs actually tried to surrender after the first one, but they wanted to test out the other bomb on Nagasaki

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Theres none so wise

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I was reading earlier 400k Americans died in world war 2.

The Russians would have been goosed without Yankee money, materials and arms though

Keep reading I’d say


The Russians weren’t guaranteed to exactly hand back the power to individual countries either were they? The only reason they stopped in Germany was because of Britain and America.

But fuckin hell what a tough race of people. I mean Stalingrad was horrific. To endure that. Unbelievable.

Did/do you speak German?

I’ve book here called Stalingrad in front of me I’m going to dig in.