World War 2

Assisting the US would have made it ok

Programme on RTE now about hunting the nazis. The most of these cunts got away with it.

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There are some great shows on Mossad hunting lads in Brazil

A heap of prominent German businesses, some still very well known, made absolute cream from having the Nazis essentially steal money and land from Jews in Germany before the war.

Look up hunting hitler. It was a series on the history channel. They went through how nazis eacaped to south America and plotted how hitler might have/ or did escape

I’ll give that a listen. The nazis planned to populate Auschwitz with 100,000 slaves they’d capture from Russia, and already had contracts in place with their major countries to have factories moved there and supplied with labour from the camp.

I have a recently penned book on it if you want it … It’s on pdf so can email.

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There all working for bmw and the likes nowadays

McWilliams probably took his material from here

I will take a copy

Well I did listen to a 30 minute podcast on the subject so I don’t know if there’s much on the subject I don’t already know but I’ll have a look


Sure bayer made massive advancements in medicine due to the concentration camps.

Mengala created IVF using the jews.

Horrible basterds.

Coal and steel were some of the main industries the Nazis supporters owned… Which is interesting insofar as the forerunner to the EEC (EU) was the European Coal and Steel community, ergo the EU is the continuation of the Nazis.

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You haven’t scratched the surface until you’ve listened to Joe Rogan do six hours from the nazis point of view.

IG Farben (pharmaceuticals) had the biggest contract with Auschwitz. It was subsequently split into BASF, Bayer, and Hoechst.

In a similar vein on the medical side a lot of advances, especially in gynecology came from sick bastards in the US experimenting on slaves, without anaesthetic.

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Were the South American Governments turning a blind eye to the Nazis who escaped to there or a genuine unawareness who they were?

They’re just covering a guy over in Bolivia now, the government said the country is a sanctuary and people that come there for sanctuary are sacrosanct.

These countries were run by fascist dictatorships, about half a step removed from nazis themselves.

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Yeah the ‘good guys’ were at it too in some form but they wrote history