World War 2

It would still be shite tho if the nazis ruled all of Europe.

He wanted revenge for Versailles

It was founded to prevent wars between the European superpowers that had been happening in the previous century mate

Please don’t reply to me. Tagging me two posts later :sweat_smile:

It’s hightime this topic was adressed in fairness. Some lads are intent on making holy shows of themselves already

It’s high time countries were divided into city states. These nations are failed messes. Like when the Czechs and Slovaks went their separate ways amicably. Connacht needs to leave now while we have our water.

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Few fellas really struggling with the fact it’s a total disgrace we stayed neutral against the nazis from what I can see.

And your rocks

Yes mineral exploration will be a key strategic aim

Read a book, you’ll learn a lot,

Hilarious that a fella who never worked a day in his life and has done nothing but whinge for 9 months because your social life is stunted is now signing up to storm the beach at Normandy

Read a book mate,

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“Sure how could we have been neutral when we were on the side of the nazis”, Eamon De Valera February 11, 1952

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It was probably a mis-step by the Japs to attack Pearl Harbour.

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And the Yanks won midway because they pulled a @rocko and read all the Jap’s PMs.

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So if the war didn’t happen these people were owed a homeland and had a right to Palestinian land based on religious beliefs? :flushed:

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Are you comparing the USSR to Dublin GAA

There was, the UN created a two state solution in 1947. It was rejected by Arab states who invaded and had their ass handed to them. The reality is Jews were not wanted in Europe nor in the Middle East, the migration of Jews to Palestine was going on since the late 19th century and increased rapidly in the 1930s and 1940s.

They lost the run of themselves after 1905.

Not sure which theatre of war would have been worse, I’d probably pick cold Europe as band of brothers was way better than the Pacific, fighting with my Canadian brothers on Juno beach

I know that alright. The Arabs probably thought theyd finish them easily and who would agree to giving up territory but the Brits, UN or whatever should have taken time to set up a statelet, protected, with displaced compensated, not just run for the doors like the Brits did.

We were basically in a Cold War with the UK at the time. We were hardly going to lay down our lives so they could keep raping half the World of their resources.
There was a million plus Indians starved to death during WW2 because Churchill wasn’t arsed sending them some food, while they sent soldiers to fight for the Empire. Not exactly the good guys.

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The Greatest thing you will ever watch