World War 2

I think every tribe is. There were Jews there for all time, now very minor before the 20th century but they didn’t just throw a dart at a map.

The yanks had them backed into a corner with the oil embargo. They were only prodding them in the hope of a reaction. But ya they fairly awoke the beast then.

The British empire is responsible for at least if not more evil than the Nazis.

There was something especially horrific about the gas chambers though. Fake shower heads and all in them

I was listening to an interesting podcast lately about Bevin who was head of foreign affairs for the UK. Basically he was an anti Semite and blocked the two state solution because he didn’t want the Jews to have a country. So they fudged it and made a bollox of the whole thing. Like they made a bollox of the Middle East, Pakistan-India, South Africa etc etc etc.

In fairness to Dev this was a belter of a speech in response to Churchill having a pop.

Oliver Stone’s 10 part documentary puts the blame firmly at the yanks door for everything. I’d say he’s fairly biased but it’s a good watch.

Overall way more I’d say, but nothing as deliberate as the holocaust. Then there’s the Soviet Union. At least as bad as the Nazis

Per head of population the Belgians were nearly the worst of the lot

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Belgians are generally cunts.


There’s no doubt there was an intense savagery to extermination camps that has been rarely matched in the last few centuries at least. Rwanda maybe. But the callousness shown by those SS officers and camp guards would have had it’s match throughout the empire. Concentration camps used against Boers, famines basically engineered in India and Ireland. Natives shot on sight all over.

The gas chambers were I think just the terrible coincidence of technology, German engineering and the need to accomplish a task. Remember they initially intended to just shoot the Jews but even getting soldiers drunk and high they struggled to get them to follow through with it.

Would any other nation have built and operated extermination camps? Or were they by products of German rule following and ruthless efficiency?

Time after time after crime after crime
They raped, robbed, pillaged, enslaved and murdered
Jesus christ was their god and they done it in his name

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What was the podcast? There was definitely a belief, all the way to Suez, in infallibility

Bevin is your man who brought in the welfare state isn’t he?

There were two Labour lads Bevin and Bevan. Bevin started NATO and a few more bits and pieces. Bevan started the NHS

@maroonandwhite that’s the podcast there


Aneurin bevan was the other fella. Grand uncle of Mikey

One a master of propaganda and silencing dissent about state engineered success, the other produced a world famous ballet.


Can I tether that yoke onto the telly and if so how?

It’s on youtube Mike. You had YouTube on the telly while ago

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