Wrongs perpetrated by the British Army (the original title was buggering me)

It was a terrible act, but the alternative was what exactly? Don’t forget the Glenanne gang operated with Protestant civilian support. The result of the terrible act was a halt to sectarian killings in the area, although the Brits recommended killing 30 schoolchildren the next day. Thankfully some saner heads prevailed to avoid what would have been civil war.

So sectarian killings are acceptable, says you. Let me know the next time you post about Palestine.

It’s highly relevant as when the old IRA deemed it necessary to kill Protestant civilians they did it.

So what are you saying?

It was a terrible act. Or it was justified. It can’t be both.

He has no problem with violent and sectarian acts to win the freedom of his state it seems.

Did somebody say sectarianism?

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It’s deflecting away from Kingsmill, I said all sectarian killings cannot be justified. It is trying to somehow justify Kingsmill by saying ‘Oh well similar was done in the Old IRA’. It was wrong then and it’s wrong now, and the wrongness then doesn’t change the wrongness now’.

In the context of war I would use the term a necessary evil. If the IRA were sectarian they would have focused solely on killing Protestant civilians. I wouldn’t expect a west Brit Trotskyite to understand.

But one of their key foundations was non sectarianism. That’s why they were ‘better’ than the other side.

These threads sure make strange bedfellows. Here we have @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy and @Tierneevin1979 playing tag team.

One is a genuine Jew hater. The other claims to love the Jewish people but sees sectarian slaughter in one arena, Northern Ireland, as acceptable despite spending five years saying that sectarian slaughter in another arena, Israel/Palestine, is evil.

Mad stuff.

You’re deflecting away from Wrongs the British army committed. That’s what this thread is about.

You seem to have zero interest in the violent and sectarian actions the Old IRA were involved in. I think it’s very relevant to show the sheer hypocrisy and agenda you have here.

Does this sicken you?

It was a terrible act, but the IRA deemed it necessary at the time. Like Dunmanway and countless other IRA atrocities.

“West Brit” is a racist term and it’s also dreadfully lame. I’m actually a Marxist, myself and the Irish football team are part of the same Marxist brigade.

“Better” doesn’t win wars when the other side have no moral boundaries. How were the Nazis defeated? Bombing the shit out of German cities with huge civilian casualties. Was it justified?

Who decides who has moral boundaries and who doesn’t?

Trotsky was a Marxist, as are People Before Profit, unless they are lying on their website.

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If that’s the case why do you use the terms separately?

What’s Cultural Trotskyism?

And how does Conor Hourihane fit into this?

Another one for @farmerinthecity not to condemn here.


And you are not a historian. Can you point me to a historian who draws a moral equivalence between the PIRA and the 1919-1921 IRA?