A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

The lads that would beat the absolute shite out of you and throw uyou in jail if you threw stones at them.

French pronoun police.

Funnily enough me and my friends were drinking in Paris in October. A lad with us who would be younger. He’s 18 or 19 I think. He’s a decent amateur jockey but he had one too many and we were waiting outside the pub for our Uber when he jumped up on what looked like an incredibly powerful motorbike. Yano the way people sometimes do when they are young and drunk. Out of nowhere a dozen or so guards/police burst out of a building and grabbed him And pinned him against the wall.

They got very heavy handed with him.

It turned out it was some government building where the French president stays I think. My French isn’t great all the same so I couldn’t be sure.

Innocent civilians are killed in every war. In this case it’s hard to avoid civilian casualties when Hamas use them as shields. I agree though that the IDF see no difference between Hamas and Palestinian civilians being used as shields. It’s abhorrant but all war is abhorrant.

There was a moron from the UN claiming today it’s the worst in terms of casualties ever, even though 300,000 have died in Yemen and 500,000 in Syria.

I’ve witnessed several riots in Paris, no kid gloves there! Republique used to be a great spot for an old riot on a Sunday afternoon.

In Ireland the guards would be up on charges.

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You support the genocide of Palestinians by Israel and you justify Kingsmills.

Some job.

I had a look there. It just looks like a police station. Your man was some clown not to twig.

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These words could just as easily be used to justify what Hamas did on October 7th (which I’m not doing, before one of you oblivious thickos sticks their ignorant oar in).

You’d need to find a Garda first

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I remember one time i was in Paris too.

God it’s years ago, a group of us all well oiled. One of the lads tripped up and fell forward onto a passer by.
He wasn’t being aggressive or anything but he knocked this chap over.

We didn’t know it but we were outside a government building and who had he knocked over only the Mayors brother.

Out ran 17 police officers out of nowhere and pinned our friend up against a wall.

Thankfully one of the lads had a bit of French and diffused the situation.

That’s mad eh.


No posts for 21 hours.

It’s as if something else happened that allowed performative virtue signaling and the outraged aren’t sincere.

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You are the most preening, pathetic, insincere, virtue signalling cunt on this forum.

You’re so insincere you pathetically sucked up to a guy who called you a rape apologist when you desperately needed an “ally” on this forum and couldn’t find anybody else, when you couldn’t debate your way out of a paper bag.

A new low for IKEA

I see Netanyahu had an interesting take on things earlier and was basically having a go at the UN and aid organisations for not already having 10s of thousands of tents ready for the folks in Gaza he is driving from their homes as winter approaches. What a cunt.

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The Thai’s are some lads to get themselves out of tight situations. Caves, war zones, you name it :clap:

Why aren’t CNN talking about all the hostages that Israel have taken? They keep going on about the Hamas held hostages but no mention of the hostages Israel have taken even though there are more of them. :thinking:

It is CNN dude

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Not great