What’s your financial situation


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You’d never think it which is a credit to the humbleness that surrounds you.

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Once you have enough to pay your mortgage, keep your family fed and cared for, and able to put a bit away for a rainy day then you are doing fine.

One thing I try to remind myself is that no matter how good you are doing there will always be plenty doing better than you, and there will be a lot more doing a lot worse. Try not to get caught up in perceived wealth of someone else, a big house or big car is no measure of happiness.


No matter what you have, the wolf is never far from the door pal. You always have to be on your toes.

The more you have the more people want to take it off you

I don’t think we were different from all our neighbours, there was plenty like us, I went to school and hung around with lads who have been in and out of jail, one violent murderer, a few fairly big drug dealers, a few lads who have been on the streets and died very young
But loads of fellas who have done very well for themselves, a Doctor, engineers, accountants, fellas that have their own successful businesses, I’d be surprised if the same wasn’t true of these mythical places you speak of in Dublin.

My old fella was apparently a very very smart lad in school, could have been anything with his brains but had no opportunity in 1950s/1960s Ireland and left school at 14 to get a trade, he wanted more for us especially I suppose when it became apparent that we had the tools (my older brother is unbelievably intelligent),
They set a good example in how they lived their lives by working hard and respecting people of all types, that’s why it drives me demented to see people here tar all travellers with the one brush, there was always travellers around when I was young and most of them were sound,
My folks put a huge emphasis on education and making the most of what you have been given,
A rambling answer to your question, the answer is I don’t know I suppose


Pay your fair share of tax, you Jew.

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I spend most of my money on child-support


Alimony can be s costly business too

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Priorities boy, obviously those who can booze/ gamble are single hopefully otherwise family is suffering

That’s a bastard but as long as the smallies get it :+1: lucky enough I have my kid since young she gets dole etc ,no child support from me obviously and lately we’re sharing bills ,but I know of several guys who are in a bad way ref child support agency etc

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That’s a shitty enough post


You know why.

I don’t.

I suppose racists don’t know when they’re being racist

Clean your hair you greasy fucking wop

You’re right ref travellers in part,the travellers I knew in my youth and primary school were fairly decent,one bollox ( Mick Purcell)eventually was done for a robbery in the Northside where’ an oul doll died from a banger after they broke in and tied her up etc but yes the others who used to live where the CUH now stands were sound,but fuck me the difference between them and the current bunch is the distance from earth to Mars, they’re a whole different breed

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Correct kid when I have it it goes when I don’t have it cutbacks start

You’re at it again with a new fella.

Back off you absolute gowl of a creature

He’s not new you fucking cunt.

Hes not a gom either.

Hes probably one of the more genuine lads on here.

You hate that don’t you.