Ye Olde FA Cup 2021

Come on to fuck

Pep is finished. Klopp has destroyed him mentally

Don’t be a jinx mate

I’m not getting carried away but you’d have to now fancy Arsenal to win the league next season. This David Luiz lad is a rock at centre half

City keep trying to walk it in here… :see_no_evil:

Fraud-iola getting badly found out this year

He will spend 300m in the transfer window now.

Tierney has transformed that club

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Tierney & Bellerin at the back.

Ceballos in MF.

Martinez has done well in goal too tbf

Work-rate from entire team up to the required level too.

Encouraging signs for Arteta

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They won’t be beat next year

Best team in England

Martin Keown diagnosing cramp here like there’s no tomorrow

Sterling did catch him twice, landed on his thigh & ankle.

You reckon it’s cramp?

Tired maybe

7 minutes injury (or cramp) time won’t help

Few subs left mate

Tierney is unfuckingreal.

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David Luiz is a fantastic defender cc @myboyblue

Granit is the best midfielder in Europe :albania::albania::switzerland::switzerland:

You have lads taking the piss out of the likes of Xhaka and we’d kill for a lad with half his ability in midfield