You are still stuck arguing about Covid Part 6 of infinite (Part 7)

Three years after the event and you still have lads clinging desperately to what they were told by their government back then, that has been shown conclusively to be utter scutter.

Covid is caused by an airborne virus, meaning if the virus is present in the air anyone who breathes that air can get infected. You could literally enter a room a half hour after an infected person left and get infected. If you wanted to reduce the chance of getting infected stay away from crowded public indoor spaces, and spend as much time outdoors as possible. Whether people got infected or not was largely random.

Masks do fuck all to protect you, a well fitted N95 might buy you a bit more time before getting infected.

Vaccines were forced on everyone based on the bullshit that they would prevent transmission. Now the narrrative is “we never said they would”. You did, that was your justification for mandates, you lying cunts. No doubt the vaccines helped vulnerable people survive an encounter with Covid, but the downside is the widespread vaccination during a pandemic led to the virus evolving to escape vaccine immunity. This effect got worse with boosters of the same vaccine.

Vaccines were a double edged sword. At least 80% of people dodn’t need them as Covid was not a serious threat to them, and acquired immunity is superior to vaccine immunity, similar to most contagious diseases.
We got lucky in that the virus evolved to be much more contagious with lower virulence, it could just as easily have gone in the opposite direction (and still could, the claim that viruses always evolve like this is a 19th century myth long debunked).

The virus most likely emerged from research at a Wuhan lab, those covering up are the Chinese government and the US agencies that were funding the work and trained the Chinese scientists how to make a virus like SARS2 (its all in the literature, literally a recipe for making it).

They basically lied about everything, and lads still lapping it up.


He was an absolute bluffer. Plucked those figures out of his arse, as the Anglo boys would say. Swallowed unconditionally by Gav Reilly, Zara King, Fergal Bowers and the rest of the press back.

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The WeCanBeZero saps trying to turn their authoritarian crusade into a Tidy Towns/Winning Streak/GGA like campaign

The same people are asking questions about unvetted and undocumented immigrants now and are being painted in a similar light.


Ryan? He was one of those saying the vaccine wasn’t enough and that we needed to investigate every case like it was a murder.

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The vaccine passports were dropped very conveniently before the war in Ukraine. The week before even I think. Of course thats just a coincidence.

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It really exposed a few authoritarian left headbangers.


Always been a company man

The Oireachtas Golf Society fall out too, the fall of Big Phil Hogan. Pure hysteria.

So many strands to it. People getting stopped on the way to the airport, as if they were silent assassins. Those two ladies who went for boob jobs and were utterly vilified.

Future generations will never understand what it was like, the country went shtone mad.


We were only talking about this earlier back home. When did vaccine certs to eat out restriction cease? I was saying just over a year ago but it seems way longer than that.

The stupid fucking Zoom quizzes


I’ll never forget Macron saying he wanted to piss off the unvaccinated.

The little weasel cunt.

Some legend. Professor of History if I remember rightly.

The gumption, and all out lack of moral compass to be at the influential centre of it and freestyle frauding all the way is something to behold in hindsight.

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Snake oil antigen tests😖 this time 2 years ago, I remember when Omicron broke in late November 2021 and I was in the car one Sunday morning and Gav had some doctor on from SA and she basically saying yes case numbers through the roof but hospitalisations nothing like Alpha or Delta, he was having none of it the all knowing spoofer.


Taking a picture of a ditch within 5km of your house and uploading it to instagram with some philosophical take that you hadnt stopped to appreciate said ditch before.


They had their few years in the sun though, flew too close, and now their halos have melted.

Jumped up to the top of the queue over more needy cases. Some neck to be painting himself a hero of the resistance now

Christ, you’re a bitter little cunt. :smile:

Get back under the bed. It’s still 2020 for you.

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I never fell for that trap myself.

Zoom calls ffs I know a few people that went along with that. Fuck that.