You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Generally you’d want to be staying away from parents who are posting live on Twitter when they are meant to be worried about their child’s health in A&E. It kind of undermines the gravity of the situation.

The same tweeter also had a tweet up threatening medical professionals who had a different view on masks to her with legal action.

These are the sort of crazies The Doxxer wants an echo chamber of.

This type of censorhip with explicit threats.

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What was your problem with that tweet?

You seem to have a problem with anything true that goes against your narrative.

That’s censorship.

Which youse lot love.

Yis just didn’t like being confronted with the truth that kids are getting ill from this and are dying.

That disturbs yisser narrative and yis hate that.

The misogyny that flowed here after I linked to the tweet was very noteworthy too.

The OIUTF cult is shot through with toxic misogynism.

I have no real problem with the tweet, it’s not something I would do if concerned for a child but everyone deals with such matters differently.
My issue is that you put it up but failed to then inform us of the subsequent update that the child was assessed by doctors and sent home. The fact you put up the first tweet and not the subsequent update tells me you had no concern whatsoever for the child, you simply used the child to support your Internet argument.
I certainly don’t want censorship, it’s much better when people have the opportunity to display themselves and their values to the world.


Shoehorning misogyny in there now

Classic Doxxer.


You obviously did have a problem with the tweet. You can’t post what you did and seriously expect anybody to believe you didn’t have a problem with it.

You think I should be constantly scouring that person’s Twitter account for an update?

You’re going deep into bad faith motivated reasoning now.

The simple fact was that child got pretty ill from Covid and other children have died from it. Youse lot don’t like that being highlighted because it’s too confronting for yis, yis don’t like being confronted with real life stories that might make yis reconsider yer beliefs if yis had to consider them for a moment. It’s all about sticking yer fingers in yer ears and whistling away.

Hence we had a nutcase on here yesterday denying the existence of a 12 year old in ICU - and none of the OIUTF cult calling him out on it. That’s how morally bankrupt yis are at this stage.

My father died from Covid so if you think I have no concern for other people who are seriously ill with it you’d be dead wrong.

I wouldn’t wish my experience on my worst enemy, no matter what they believed.

I think if you didn’t want censorship you wouldn’t have objected to the tweet.

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Doxxer Goes To Nuttgart


Is it weird when I read that it was if it was like a Top of the Pops count down voice?


What did I post about it that gives you that impression? I have no problem at all with the parent putting the tweet up, she seems to want to keep the Internet informed on her kids health status and more power to her. I have a real issue with someone who used her tweet for their own cynical purposes, feigning concern about the health of the child when they didn’t even have sufficient concern to seek any updates.
I have no reason to doubt the story of the 12 year old in ICU, the only consolation is that no child has died of Covid in the state aged 12 or younger so the chance of recovery was exceptionally good.


Yes. Extremely.




You seemed very angry at it.

See you’re going into bad faith motivated reasoning again. Anything which disrupts what you want to believe is automatically bad faith. That isn’t honest debating, it’s a comfort blanket, a coping mechanism, it’s a technique youse lot have developed to block out reality.

I put up the tweet because it reflects the truth, and I have no other agenda except the truth, I’m not interested in insane culture wars like most of this forum, I’m interested in reflecting reality.

Hell knows few enough people here are. Most of the prolific contributors to this thread are only interested in it being a circle jerk for cranks and they hate when that gets interrupted. They aren’t in any way honest. They’re liars and fantasists.

Is that a university hospital in Kerry?

There is a singer called St. Vincent. Here is a picture of her.


The truth is that a parent took a child to A&E who was assessed and found not to need any medical attention. Nothing wrong with that, better safe than sorry and I can well understand why some parents would be experiencing heightened anxiety in these times with all the scaremongering going on. There are people shrieking on the Internet about all the kids dying from Covid, I think it’s 4 so far on the entire island under the age of 18 and none under the age of 14? Tragic obviously, but important for everyone that things are kept in perspective
It seems clear to me though that the reason you giddily reported on this had nothing to do with concern for the child, which says a lot more about you than you seem to realise.

I had no issues with the tweet. The fact you can’t point to anything I posted to suggest otherwise confirms that you accept this also. Whatever anger I may have is with those exploiting the child for their own cynical purposes, I don’t believe that was the case with the parent though.


@dodgy_keeper is a man of the people

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I heard you were looking for papers going into your pub, mate?

I hope there was no truth to it.

I heard your a proper psycho bud

I hope theres no truth to it


Noted. While I admire the fact that you have identified covid as an area you can try to rise lads, I’m deeply disappointed by your lack of ability to formulate a intelligent argument when actually pulled up on it. The wall of posts method of arguing is wearing very thin.



Was only winding you up, mate.