You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

This is increasingly bizarre.

I explained why the government made its decision. You ignored that and repeated the same question back again. This is stupid.

Your scenario is false. I’ve explained why. I don’t see why you are repeating it again.

You want to change how our democracy functions in one discrete policy area in order to align with your views and are calling anyone that disagrees with undemocratic. You are unhinged.

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There are three pillars to NPHET’s advice tbf and Holohan always cites them. One of them is to keep schools open, that was put in there by Martin when he was appointed because Holohan had refused to allow schools to be reopened in line with the rest of Europe in May 2020. Martin had to spend enormous political capital to get that in and try to maintain it because Holohan would probably have shut them otherwise.

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Ok as ever there comes a point when debating with Sid that you’re talking with someone with the emotional age of a 12 year old.

This point has been reached so this will hopefully be my last post on this thread today and I will not be engaging further.

You’re misunderstanding my point.

I was aware that you had made these points on TFK, in fact I remembered you making them.
My point, which you failed to grasp, was that you are a parasitic waster who spends his entire life on TFK and never does anything useful for anyone. Making these points on TFK did absolutely nothing for anybody, including yourself. In fact, it probably just damaged you further to waste another day of your precious life on this site.

It would have been a fine contribution to our public life to make those points publicly, by writing to a politician about them perhaps, but you have made a very deliberate decision that you will never make any contribution to the country ever.

That was my point. It was a rhetorical question. I apologise for confusing you. I should have remembered … [I actually don’t even have the heart to finish this sentence]

We are in agreement that internal NPHET discussions should be subject to the Freedom of Information Act.

Tank signs out for the day

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Which Gov minisiter or backbencher has links to Kinzen?

You have not explained anything. You’re consistently avoiding the question.

You said you wanted transparency.

Now you want the opposite.

It’s hilarious and a prima facie demonstration of the dishonesty that OIUTF has engaged in throughout the entire pandemic.

Whats Kinzen?

mark little and some wan from FB

I’ve disturbed you from snorting ketamine for the day at least. That benefits society.

Can an edit 28 minutes later be a “ninja edit”? :grinning:

Like Phil the Greek doing karate. :grinning:


He’s now crying about someone else not addressing questions.

I’d say at some point in 2022 the men in white coats will be around.

no bang of deranged there at all, no siree

Again, the question is can you point me to the provision in the constitution where the govt are bound by NPHET advice

I’ve explained why the government took its decision. You’ve ignored that and repeated your odd and illogical rant over and over again.

Why don’t you respond to the post where I gave you the reasons for the decision? You asked for them.

How does it benefit society for him to not snort ketamine?

Seamus O’Reilly has become a successful author on the back of snorting ketamine.

Another bizarre and illogical position you’ve assumed.

Coming in cold to this thread today, I think @Cheasty is winning this debate with ease.


In any job you ate specified about not speaking about the “company” in public and to ensure to inform anybody you are not an official spokes person and to go through offical channels. I don’t see why civil servants would be any different on this. Public criticism of your employer can and should have reprimands

You haven’t explained anything.

I laid the only two possible scenarios as regards the Government and NPHET.

You have avoided saying which one you think it is.

You said you wanted transparency.

Now you don’t.

That is the kernel of the total dishonesty and bullshitting of OIUTF.

You do a complete 180 in your views about transparency based on what you want and think nobody will notice.

You want transparency if it looks like NPHET are going to get their way, you want no transparency if it looks like the Government/business lobbies will get their way at the expense of public health.

Pure football fan stuff.

That’s great for Seamus and much happy ketamine snorting to him, but it sure ain’t doing Tankie any good.

Although I do agree with him when he says the unvaccinated should be dragged out and have their heads kicked off very hard brick walls.

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@Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy needs to reassert his authority on the proceedings

No. You are wrong. That’s not my logic, nor my ĺposition. We need to know who said what, during nephet meetings. It should be noted documented and as @batigol said, they should be fucked out by the dept Health if they are shit at it or acting the bollox. But nephet meetings are not public policy.
And the members of nephet have no remit to dictate policy. So they should have no right to speak to anyone publicly about what should happen.* Let the government communicate it’s strategy to the people. Simple.

*I have no problem with Big Tony doing a desert island discs, or even just answering some questions about cervical check etc.

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