You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

I asked you a question. Answer it.

Which of these two scenarios is happening?

i) The Government is taking the advice of NPHET. In which case, why muzzle NPHET?

ii) The Government is not taking the advice of NPHET. If so, what is the rationale for rejecting the advice of NPHET? Whereā€™s the transparency about why they are doing so?

Again, either scenario is not transparent. And therefore terrible governance.

That you and a load of other posters have now turned into Fine Gael lickspittles is laugh out loud hilarious.

Yis are literally demanding secrecy. Why not go the whole hog and just call for the abolishing of democracy?

He called for it in the Dail


Sorry to go back to it but thereā€™s a whole flip side to your point here that youā€™re not considering. ie - If the government follow NPHET advice then whatā€™s the point in NPHET giving interviews? Thereā€™s an inherent confirmation basis underpinning your point here.

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Youse are the very people who were demanding ā€œtransparencyā€ because yis wanted yisser pints!

The hypocrisy is astounding.

There you go, buddy. From August 28th.

From November 15th:

Take that as a massive Ooooooofffffftttt!

NPHET have leaked at various points. In October 2020 they were leaking everywhere to try and force a lockdown. That leaking stopped after the Government implemented one and also gave out about the leaking.

The Government ā€œrejectingā€ NPHET advice last Christmas wasnā€™t leaked and the Government didnā€™t have an issue. Itā€™s important to note that there were no issues with NPHET being muzzled- their advice was on the record and called back to repeatedly in January. If you go even further back, NPHET had asked for mandatory quarantine for travellers in a letter in May 2020 and it was rejected, the advice was there for all to see but the idiot journos and Twitterati who became Zero Coviders in January 2021 only noticed it then.

To be transparent.

You want secrecy.

God bless yer stamina lads. The next two hundred thousand posts are vital, I can see someone being swayed to change their minds by the merits of the others argument before this is over. Itā€™s too early to call yet though


The dogs on the street know Leo Varadkar leaked back in October 2020 because he thought the public agreed with him.

He was wrong, they didnā€™t agree with him.

And so he had to perform a humiliating climbdown within a day.

Maybe Leo looks in here. Iā€™ve no doubt some clueless Government advisers do. Probably why theyā€™re clueless.

The road safety authority could recommend national speed limits of 25 km/h to achieve zero road deaths with imprisonment for breaking it.

The aperture that NPHET look through is too narrow to govern a country.

Advisors advise. Governments then govern.


If you have the Doxxer on ignore itā€™s only 25 or so.


David Quinn is very unhappy with a proposal to implement a varied 30 or 40 km/hr speed limit in some urban areas.

Nothing screams ā€œfreedomā€ like the right to force raped women to give birth and then run the child over with your American right wing dark money funded SUV.

Dave is the sort of guy thatā€™s after your own little heart, bless you.

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This is increasingly bizarre.

I explained why the government made its decision. You ignored that and repeated the same question back again. This is stupid.

Your scenario is false. Iā€™ve explained why. I donā€™t see why you are repeating it again.

You want to change how our democracy functions in one discrete policy area in order to align with your views and are calling anyone that disagrees with undemocratic. You are unhinged.

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There are three pillars to NPHETā€™s advice tbf and Holohan always cites them. One of them is to keep schools open, that was put in there by Martin when he was appointed because Holohan had refused to allow schools to be reopened in line with the rest of Europe in May 2020. Martin had to spend enormous political capital to get that in and try to maintain it because Holohan would probably have shut them otherwise.

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Ok as ever there comes a point when debating with Sid that youā€™re talking with someone with the emotional age of a 12 year old.

This point has been reached so this will hopefully be my last post on this thread today and I will not be engaging further.

Youā€™re misunderstanding my point.

I was aware that you had made these points on TFK, in fact I remembered you making them.
My point, which you failed to grasp, was that you are a parasitic waster who spends his entire life on TFK and never does anything useful for anyone. Making these points on TFK did absolutely nothing for anybody, including yourself. In fact, it probably just damaged you further to waste another day of your precious life on this site.

It would have been a fine contribution to our public life to make those points publicly, by writing to a politician about them perhaps, but you have made a very deliberate decision that you will never make any contribution to the country ever.

That was my point. It was a rhetorical question. I apologise for confusing you. I should have remembered ā€¦ [I actually donā€™t even have the heart to finish this sentence]

We are in agreement that internal NPHET discussions should be subject to the Freedom of Information Act.

Tank signs out for the day

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Which Gov minisiter or backbencher has links to Kinzen?

You have not explained anything. Youā€™re consistently avoiding the question.

You said you wanted transparency.

Now you want the opposite.

Itā€™s hilarious and a prima facie demonstration of the dishonesty that OIUTF has engaged in throughout the entire pandemic.

Whats Kinzen?

mark little and some wan from FB

Iā€™ve disturbed you from snorting ketamine for the day at least. That benefits society.