NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Nope, you said it was better than nothing and was having some effect. I said it was pointless, nonsensical and racist. As we can see, I was correct.

We’ve managed to avoid the Kyrgyzstan variant through our robust MHQ system.

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I know these are just the standard stupid pointless circular arguments that you like to get into with Tim and the racist arsehole abroad in America, but this is a particularly stupid post from you.

It’s possible to engage with one aspect of a policy or the implementation of a policy and be critical of it. You are basically like a republican voter in the US that swallows a whole suite of beliefs and has to support every aspect of your “side”.

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It did have some effect.

Can I remind you that if we’d done what you wanted, we’d be a lot more swamped with Covid than we currently are.

You’ve consistently pushed for measures which are proven to allow Covid in. I mean at the exact time Delta was seeding in the UK due to travel from India, you were claiming travel wasn’t a factor in Covid spread.

So with respect, I think we can disregard most of what you say about Covid. You have that in common with most other posters here.

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If you think things are bad now, imagine how bad they would be if we were allowing people from Kyrgistan to waltz on here?

Thank god we pandered to an angry and incoherent public mood and brought in a measure to punish foreigners and poor people for our own actions.

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No, that’s complete nonsense.

I argues for transparent, effective, and reasonable measures.

You supported the pointless, nonsensical and racist measure.

Those are the sides of the argument we have landed on relating to MHQ. Reminder: you took the side of the pointless and racist measure that only affects foreigners and poor people. That’s your side.

A lot of projection there from the guy who has been eulogising the idiot Mark Paul for a year.

The reason I’ve been so consistently correct about Covid and most posters here have been so consistently wrong is that unlike them, I have the ability to think.

I used to think you did, now I’m not so sure.

Dimmy’s lack of ability in that regard was obvious pre-pandemic but he’s certainly outdone himself during the pandemic with his quoting of Michael Levitt who has gone anti-vax now), Ivor Cummins and Graham Neary.

No you don’t. You swallow a suite of beliefs and then parrot them endlessly. It’s why you can’t engage with counterpoints.

You are basically a mindless republican supporter. That’s your level now.

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On a point of order, I have that person on ignore since it was clear they were back. The only poster I have that for as their mental well being is not served well on this site. Their prior behaviour in doxxing users should have made them banned for life but I accept it’s not my website to decide that. I expect that they have been allowed back in sympathy but it’s only a matter of time until that person does the same again.

I’ll keep having barbs with Chucks on this thread though. :grinning:

Said like a good little Trumpist. The zeal of the convert.

Top debating and argumenting. I rest my case.

A nice little lie about the “doxxing” when it’s me who was the victim of that. More than once, by the way.

I think we can see whose mental well being is not served being on this site. And clamouring for a pandemic virus to be allowed rip and kill tens of thousands of people is a bit of a giveaway that your mental health problems extend far beyond online life.

I was merely self consciously and ironically contributing further to the utterly absurd nature of “debating” you introduced.

The problem is that you aren’t being ironic.

The problem is you can’t engage with a counterpoint. You can only go on and on repeating the same suite of beliefs you have swallowed whole. Ever wonder why the only one that engages in your endless circular arguments is the racist gobshite abroad in America? It’s because that’s your level now.

Sad to say but there it is.

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The lad whose “argument” is “you’re a Republican voter” is complaining about apparently “not engaging with a counterpoint”.

The fascination never ends on this site.

It’s fairly straightforward.

We’re in the middle of a pandemic. People die whilst figuring out that we need to vaccinate people. We make the vaccine. We vaccinate the willing. People will die whilst waiting for a vaccine.

Then the ‘Anti-Vaxxers’ will have to accept what happens when they don’t vaccinate, whatever that may be.

Then we move on.


Black woman speaks truth to power, and is removed from the Commons for it by the Tory Deputy Speaker.

The right wing so called “drive for civility” means one can lie with impunity, but one cannot ever call out the lies, and black women especially are not allowed do it. It’s so “uncivil”, dahling. Why can’t Dawn Butler just “know her place”?

These are the rules of the game. And we know who on this forum supports those rules.

Handy half day

:grinning: the army can beat a respiratory virus, safetyism is great