You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Pretty much every European country is using vaccine passes. Are they all wrong? And yet we have 6% of the country taking up the majority of our health capacity because they’re too thick to take a vaccine. Why should we pander to this nonsense?

Let them make their choices and accept the consequences. It is entirely their call. Off ye go lads.


You can have any belief you like once it’s the one the liberal majority deem correct from time to time

Imagine suggesting anybody with a BMI over a certain threshold would be prevented from buying certain foodstuffs as their weight presents a burden to health system.


If it came out tomorrow that the impact of the
Vaccines on the Omicron variant are negligible which I fully believe to be the case. How much money would the companies making these vaccines stand to lose?


Well Pfizer predict to make $36 billion (with a fucking b) in 2022 on the covid vaccine.

All very well for the likes of @glasagusban working from home for the civil service. He’s not living in the real world at all.Does he think smokers or fat people should be refused entry to society.Hes either a very good wum or a nasty little bastard.


Fair play, great to hear you’d take a vaccine if sure it prevented transmission & serious disease

They’re the tolerant ones…until you disagree with something they say


He’s whingeing about being “locked out” of hospitality. What has a building contractor to do with anything?

Is there an epidemic of them, 6% of the population, taking up most of the health service capacity? Is there a magic wand that could fix that and they won’t wave it? If so, grand, lock them out and let the rest of us get on with life.

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The anti-vaxers in his party will be seething reading that.

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You wanted them “locked away from society”?


You can shout this like a zombie as many times as you like, it still won’t make it sound any less stupid.


Is there any info to give an age profile of this 6% cohort taking up most of the health service capacity?

Up the Ra!

Your man with the “taking up most of the health service capacity”. There’s what, 80 odd people in ICU now or thereabouts, happy to be corrected here. Let’s say half are unvaxxed - 40 people are taking up most of the health capacity according to this idiot and are the cause of the current restrictions.

The propaganda is just very tiresome and malignant.


Comparing Covid to obesity is another lovely chestnut from our IQ deficient friends.

Conversely it shows how big a simpleton you are.

You see your stock empty statement above Mike, that’s the level of contribution you have.

Smoke and mirror from Mike “I’m a bit short on detail” Hunt.


Mike ABSOD Hunt

Your mask slipped today @glasagusban , you have outed yourself as a nasty little bastard.

Division of society as @fenwaypark eloquently posted is the last thing that we need.