You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Iā€™ve somehow still now had it


There something disturbing about the tinfoil hat predictions coming right

How would a mandatory vaccine work in practice? Like, do you go to jail if you donā€™t get one?

Fined and your home razed.

Are we not allowed get sick anymore?

Should I put my immune system up on eBay?

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Heard a good one at the weekend which shows the mindset of people on the ground.

One of the local auld lads was self isolating but went for his few pints and had his drinks in the lounge away from everyone else. This goose is cooked when you hear that carry on.


No, like in practice. Is it against the law to not get one or will they pin you down and force you to get it?

You wonā€™t be pinned down. Youā€™d be fined.

Like not having a TV licence.

It would not be without its constitutional issues and Iā€™d expect President Higgins would refer any such law to the Council of State.

President Higgins will sign away a champagne socialist

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I can see a few of the forumā€™s far right fascists loving that move. It will give them great scope to abuse and demonise minority groupings in society and practice their intolerance and hate.

A lot of these ā€˜conspiracy theoriesā€™ starting to be true. Remember when there was supposed to be no impact to fertility from the vaccine?

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Another poorly considered move from NPHET. Itā€™s all well and good mandatorily vaccinating the awkward squad in theory. No one cares really. But in practice are we actually going to send GardaĆ­ and nurses to hold down these filthy morons to inject them. That is disgusting. Criminally unfair on our hard working frontline workers.

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Theyā€™ll have to send in a squad to hose them down and clean them first ā€¦ The stench could lead to a sudden recoil and the jabber could end up injecting lots of these weirdos in the eye or throat.

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A mandatory vaccine for a glorified head cold. People have completely lost the plot.

Vaccine numbers will fall off a cliff in the coming weeks.


Vaccinating against Omicron makes zero sense. Omicron IS the silver bullet against severe disease. However Big Pharma are not going to let go easily.


I hope when people finally come to their senses around Covid and the nonsense the vaccine zealots engage in that the likes of @glasagusban are charged and convicted retrospectively for their hate speech.

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Looking like after January 30th their will be no more restrictions.