You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Around 25% of hospital admissions up north are unvaccinated. The unvaccinated population is 33%. This information is published and updated in the north on a regular basis.

The fact you are spreading outrageous lies removes any credibility from you.

Therenis more than 3.3m people in the Free State. You wouldn’t be ignoring large chunks of the population would you?

So in Ireland it’s quite clearly the unvaccinated blocking beds. If we had no unvaccinated we’d have plenty of hospital capacity.

No, why would I.
But here’s a letter you might enjoy.

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In fairness to the more moderate headbangers they’ve been right on a lot of things
Mandatory mask wearing, mandatory vaccinations, being locked down if you’re not vaccintated etc


When did Ireland ever have plenty of hospital capacity?

No doubt you’ll run away from that question like the coward you are. It’s amazing how I can predict your next move and can box you off. That’s why I am a great debater, I lay traps and you walk into them.

I’m a moderate, progressive headbanger.

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Right now we have enough capacity, if we had no unvaccinated.

No we don’t. Every winter people are queuing up on hospital trolleys.

Record waiting lists.

You’re telling even more lies

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What’s the stats on pregnant unvaccinated women in hospital/ICU?

What’s the stats on non Irish born unvaccinated in hospitals ?

Lads should find that out or they may end up looking misogynistic and racist.


Entire population so and not adults only.

58 people out of 3796968 vaccinated (Single dose figure + 2nd dose figure) are in ICU.

58 people out of 1218837 not vaccinated people in ICU.

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Categorical. If we had no unvaccinated we’d have no problem.

There seems to be a belief here that the only reason people are in hospital is due to Covid, all other illnesses have been eradicated.

What sort of statement is that? From what I can see about 15% of ICU beds are taken up by the unvaccinated, 66% of ICU beds either have nobody in them or patients who don’t have covid.


It’s clear that if we had no unvaccinated we’d have lots of capacity.

Zing zing :clap::clap::clap:

I don’t even know what that is.

We would have 15% of ICU beds cleared maybe, a big improvement no doubt. But apparently some of these beds are filled by kids, who are not able to get vaccinated anyway under current policy. The number of ICU beds occupied by people refusing to be vaccinated is likely to be less than 10%.

It’s a high percentage, i don’t remember the exact details, but Leo was being on pressed on it last week and asked why they weren’t running adds in polish or in Eastern European online media.

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I think we need to run a “Your Country, Your Call” type competition about what to do with unvaccinateds.

Personally I’d dump them all on Rockall, and let the natural gas burn their ass, and blow them all to hell.

To lighten up the discussion