You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

In fairness, that logic could be applied to “driving sober doesn’t stop road deaths. Why the fuck would I”?

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You told LIES.

You were caught out on it


I make no apologies for being right about just about everything


Unvaccinateds should be referred to from now on as “the anti-vaccine, pro-drink driving cult”.

Seems about right

Their body, their choice to drive drunk and kill an eight year old child.


It’s fucking bizarre.

The same lad writing essay after essay….

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Speak for yourself.

He fucking owns you and you are seething

Interesting study on schools that mandated masks and those that didn’t.

Ridiculous comparison. The virus is being spread by people who are vaccinated to thinks a Covid passport gives them a free pass on spreading it. They think the vaccine gives them superpowers when in reality it’s fairly worthless unless you have a real risk from mild respiratory viruses.

A more apt comparison would be thinking the vaccine passport means you can drive at ridiculous speed.

Vaccine has failed fundamentally and unquestionably when it comes to transmission. Only a loon argues otherwise.

I’ll just leave this study here again, the one which was commissioned by the Republican Governor of Missouri and then censored because he didn’t like the results.

Masks work.

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Strange. From reading here you’d think masks have no impact. I forgot the mentallers want 100% success or it’s not worth doing. A simple Google search gave a bit more clarity.

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Kodaline have FALLEN

They just want to go to the pub

Rural pubs are going to be hopping for December. No poing in going to cities. Their in for a bonanza.

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My twitter timeline is now showing ads for a film about the Nazis underneath the covid tweets

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Will I ask Bang to get it uploaded?

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The anti-mask thing is a quasi-religious belief. It’s entirely rooted in the insane right wing “anti-woke” culture war.

This lad here nails the mindset of the anti-vaccine and anti-mask loons. They have no ability to think. They have oppositional disorder.

‘I’m not getting a vaccine, it’s only a cod’… See non vaccinated in ICU - ‘Lies’.

‘I’m not wearing a mask, it’s only a cod’… See study on mask wearing - ‘Lies’.

Covid is only an auld flu, it’s harmless… See multiple deaths in u40s - ‘she was fat, he had a condition, she was pregnant, he was just a rare anomaly’

And on we go.