You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

They’ve got high temperatures.

Sad to see yet another flu denier here in @Thomas_Brady. Sadly you desperately want to be seen as an intelligent person but aren’t smart enough to go beyond a superficial level.

Every cloud

Great to see where your priorities are :+1:

Today FM’s end of year poll is out.

Just remember these were last years results.

Israel has 7 confirmed Omicron cases. These are:

  1. woman (vaxxed with 2xAZ) who returned from Malawi
  2. Woman (vaxxed+boosted Pfizer) who returned from SA
  3. Doctor (vaxxed+boosted Pfizer) who returned from medical conference in London
    4-7 Four unvaxxed ppl who came from SA.

Another 27 Covid cases are “highly suspected” to have Omicron. I’m guessing that means S-gene dropout detected but no genetic typing done yet. Of these:

*5 were ‘protected’ (ie within the last 6 months they were vaxxed, boosted or recovered)

  • 22 were not ‘protected’

Of the 27 highly suspect cases, 8 arrived from abroad. The other 19 have not travelled recently, suggesting some community spread.

If we had no unvaccinated ICU wouldn’t be full, our hospitals would be able to cope. It’s a simple fact.

Hospital capacity is always overwhelmed this time of year. You have been caught telling lies already so not surprising to see you still pedaling misinformation. The problem starts and ends with a health service unfit for use. If we had no obese people or smokers in ICU, would ICU still be full.

I think it’s been pointed out before that ICU need to have their bed capacity more or less full to be keep the beds operational.

Is ICU capacity currently maximised?


Why can’t you stick to the present? With no unvaccinated we would be ok for capacity. The awkward squad are holding the country to ransom. I can’t see any reason why we should put up with this.

“It’s my right as a moron to be a moron.”

Quite clearly another HSE lie.

They have been publishing lies from the start.

This information does not make sense when you compare it with the transparent information available up north.

274/955 = 28.7%
Population not vaccinated = 32.6%

And me you :rofl:


Go easy on the village idiot. The imaginary wife and imaginary kid could be adding to his stress levels today.

Its the inverse of the coty

As part of their fresh advice on restrictions, Nphet are understood to be advising:

  • Only six people should allowed at a table and multiple bookings should be banned under new rules for the hospitality sector proposed by Nphet.
  • Household visits should be limited to four households in the one home. This mean one household could invite over three other household during the Christmas break.
  • Venues will also be required to only operate at 50pc capacity under the proposals from Nphet.

Nphet want the proposed restrictions to remain in place until January 9.

I have not read the US studies you mention yet but the “gold standard” study on mask usage population wide was meant to be Bangladesh.

This was in a collection of villages all masked up (c. 179k people) versus a collection of villages where masking wasn’t encouraged (around 170k people) over a 3 month period. The results were widely trumpeted until data was finally released a couple of weeks ago and showed of the 2k cases that just 20 extra were found in the control group. Such a tiny number is insignificant.

Masks, pods and HEPA filters could well have an impact in classrooms specifically but don’t really seem to for children generally where throughout Europe where their infections are soaring.

The mistake people make is thinking that human beings are robots and behave the same everywhere. In a mostly open society, kids are going to socialise in numerous settings and the thing will spread. If you think children are robots and are just carted to school and home then maybe, but most parents are not weirdos and actually have them socialise. The point on masks, ventilation and air filters had much more power in a highly restricted and unvaccinated society where people were on edge. This made an appreciable difference in such a scenario but at this stage you are just pissing into the wind.

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Anti vax granny killers

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I’d be broadly in agreement with that chap, like him I will place no restrictions on who wears w mask in my classroom.

I would assume people with speech and language difficulties would be exempt, perhaps he was unaware of that.

@cheasty how do you think this all ends?

Our school sent an email saying they would be "taking a pragmatic approach ".