You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

With a poster running naked through the streets of Aughnacloy.

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Talk of increased hospitalisations of young children is something I’ve continually heard come out of South Africa over the last week but the pollyannas in this part of the world seem to be deliberately ignoring it.

Masks on kids is the VAT on kids shoes moment for NPHET.

not wanting to dismiss the dangers of it either, but is there any context to the increase? How many vaccinations have been administered and how many testing positive were vaccinated? What restrictions are in place in the regions? Delta spread rapidly here when we had limited number of vaccinations and restrictions were at a more freer point. If we are vaccinated and in current restrictions, is it a similar or worse situation? Like most of all of this, the numbers do need some context behind them to compare it to our situation.

last I heard was the educate together organisation were still “considering” it but based on the protest outside the school on Monday and the extremities of opinions on the mothers whattsapp group I can see them all killing each other before the winter or Christmas holidays

imagine the trump lads storming the us capital in January…now imagine that as a group of mothers ,half of them militant anti mask and the others LIDTF zealots…the lack of a middle ground is wonderful…I think this is where we are headed tho @peddlerscross a complete division of society…ill let @Cheasty chime in there as I know he has a similar view

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Getting serious now.


Glynn March 2020 - “masks are not necessary.”

Holohan Autumn 2020 - “schools are safe.”

Nolan - “antigen tests are snakeoil.”

Taoiseach - “covid certs will never be introduced.”

Glynn again - “we never said schools were safe.”

On and on it goes. Anyone who believes these proposed restrictions will end on Jan 9th is living in cloud cookoo land.

Holohan and his celebrity medic friends have seen power go to their heads. Never challenged, never questioned, everything accepted without question.

A weak, weak government indulging him/them has done for us. More businesses to go to the wall despite all the vulnerable being triple jabbed and as safe as is possible. Shambles.


The only context that matters is that the spread is far more rapid than any of what we saw with Delta. Or anything else.

And increased transmissibility is the most dangerous thing for the public health situation. It’s more important than lethality of the virus itself. Combine that with vaccine evasiveness and you have a potential disaster situation.

I linked to a thread on Israel and the vaccination status breakdown of their cases/suspected cases some posts up.

South Africa is around 25% vaccinated.

24% of the population of this country remains unvaccinated. 1.2 million people.

I just don’t see the “optimism” regarding this variant at all. It seems me to that “optimism” regarding it is early stages of grief stuff, denial, “it’s not that bad”, bargaining, “if it spreads that’s good!”

We only found out about this variant nine days ago. Deaths are a function of your case load 20/21 days previous.

All this seems to me to be fairly easy to understand. Logic says strap in the seat belts.

Never mind that the variant we already have remains a live threat.

This time last year we at least had blind hope that the vaccines were coming.

Now there is absolutely nothing.


I’m not going to diminish it by saying its a cod or anything, but considering the spread of Delta and we at 94% vaccination, if we were at 25% we’d be in a horrendous situation. So I’m not sure how worse it really could be. Its bad enough as it is. Its right to be cautious, but I’m not sure we need an all out panic on it. I know you’ll disagree on this, so I wont push it any more.

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It’s clear that the unvaccinated are literally driving us back into lockdown


Anyone listening to Josepha Madigan on Radio 1?


It looks like vaccination probably isn’t going to protect as much against infection against this thing as it does against Delta. So I think it can get plenty worse.

To be honest I’ve tuned out of most discussion in this country, it’s mostly irrelevant soap opera nonsense, it’s like somebody in a house arguing over whether to put three or four sandbags outside their front door in the face of an oncoming tsunami.

“Serious questions” good one. They won’t challenge NPHET because of last year’s meaningful Christmas. It doesn’t matter if they have lost the room. They have the media and the self righteous social media warriors on their side.



What’s the gobshite uttering now?

cc @mickee321

This is the type of nutjob driving the crazy measures. The dope who blames it on 6% of the adult population.

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That 6% makes up 50% of the people in ICU

Twitter is incredible, you can find a tweet to back up your agenda at any time of any day. How did lads INTERNET without it.