You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

They have the Internet on computers now you know.

By God.

No they don’t.

You’re telling more lies.

Why is ICU capacity only an issue now?

Is it even full?

You need to get with the program as they have moved on from blaming the 6% unvaccinated to the school kids. Dopes like you just swallow everything. No wonder you voted for FF all your life, you don’t have the ability to make intelligent choices and view things with a critical mind.

6% of people are taking up 50% of ICU and according to you its not an issue :joy:

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Conor’s narrative is stuck in a previous world. He doesn’t understand that world no longer exists.

He’s had an appalling pandemic.

Lamb of God, you should have got vaccinated.

I’ve already told you that’s a lie. If you had a brain you would see that is not possibly true.

Once again you’ve failed to address a number of simples questions. Why is that? I will take your inability to answer that as a confirmation you are too stupid to engage on this matter with a degree of logic and common sense.

Not a lie. Thankfully only 6% of the population is as simple as you


As I predicted. You simply are unable to stand over your bullshit. You can’t even address simple points because your position is based on absolute nonsense that collapses like a house of cards when probed.

Fair play to him for making a stand

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Disclosed data from the period of 11th Oct - 7th Nov on Covid hosptial admissions. Up north again because the HSE can lie to simpletons like yourself without fear of being questioned.

Why do fully vaccinated admissions exceed the no of vaccinated population?
Why do unvaccinated admissions not exceed the no of unvaccinated population?

Now that’s the data, released on a regular basis and it shows the absolute stupidity of your naivety.

It’s this sort of statement that has MUG printed right across your forehead.

False. That 6% make up 50% of the people in ICU with covid. There are plenty of people in ICU for other things.

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Nice hair split but who cares? Get those unvaccinated out and we have plenty of capacity. That’s the key point.

The non-vaxxed tinfoil hat headbangers need to be left on the street to die, as is their right. I refuse to carry these unvaxxed parasites on my back any longer.

An exception for those who cant get vaxxed for valid medical reasons, they can stay.


That’s obvious and fair.

Everyone should take personal responsibility.

We could hire a warehouse and stick them in it till they get better or die! The heath service will be flying it then. As per the logic on display here 60 extra ICU beds would end this overnight.


Of course you do, bro.

Not sure if you’re serious but I 100% agree either way.

Imaginary wife, kid, kids, Volvo cars & Doer Upper Houses etc etc……

The unvaxxed contribute nothing to society. They winge about their rights but won’t lift a finger to help anyone else. In the gospels we’re told that these people shouldn’t be allowed to eat. It is often the same hypocrites who talk about Christianity.