You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Why should we hire a warehouse? These people have made their own choice to be morons, why should the rest of society be held to ransom for it? Why can’t they take personal responsibility for their choice?

Sorry, I meant I dont agree, it should be Spike Island.

Loads of old buildings previously used as industrial schools/mother and baby homes etc that could be used. Plenty of do gooders to go in and staff them like the nuns used to do in leper colonies.

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Yes and we could find a Mother Theresa type who prefers it when her patients die.

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The cut to 50% capacity for indoor gigs etc is a nasty one. How does a venue go around that with a sold out gig?

This should all have been foreseen from months back in my opinion.


Arbitrary nonsense that won’t work in the real world without a whole suite of compensation measures.

Interesting logic. Homeless drug addicts should also take responsibility and we should stop paying to put them up in hotels and hostels till they sort themselves out. Same goes for those asylumseekers. Have you considered setting up a political party!!

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The country is full of them so that shouldn’t be a problem.

No no, homeless people want to have homes. Addicts by definition can’t quit. Asylum seekers, if they are genuine, have been forced to flee their homes.

The unvaxxed by contrast are gibbering weirdos with tinfoil on their heads, who have decided to define themselves by stupidity and selfishness.

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But what will we do with homeless anti vaccine asylum seekers? There’s a few of them knocking about?

The unvaccinated are the way they are because they believe in a demented right wing propaganda campaign the like of which we have not seen since the Nazis.

The unvaccinated don’t want to be sick. You have a disease called fascism, it’s where you want to impose your ideals on people against your will.

Look you bought into a lousy vaccine that didn’t work and are now lashing out against the 6% of the adult population who weren’t mugs like you. Grow up for goodness sake.

Let god sort them.out

St Peter will tell them to head south.

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Sad to see The Doxxer now resorting to Nazi equivalations.

If I was like him I would take a screenshot and send it to the woke community like that Foggy Dew character but I’m not as I’m a rational human being who doesn’t have a real life mental breakdown over an internet forum.

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This comes back to what I was saying about so called “libertarianism” being a bully’s charter, a charter for tyranny.

The unvaccinated want a charter for them to bully, and impose tyranny.

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You’re completely missing the principle at play. If morons want to opt out of assistance, then let them out out. We shouldn’t allow their choices to block ICU capacity, we shouldn’t introduce restrictions on all of society because they choose to get sick and disproportionately block hospital capacity, and we shouldn’t pay for a warehouse for them.

The unvaccinated would just like some respect and choices for the matter.

The anti-vaxxers and the vaccine fascists are a terrible blight on society.

Does that apply to obese people and smokers whose lifestlye choices block up hopsital beds and ICU capacity?

Answer the question please.

They tell lies about the vaccine to swat that particular problem away.