You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

You told lies about @Joe_Player yesterday to try and score points on the internet and then ran away when it backfired.

Irrelevant. They are not the current problem.

You can forget about gigs lads

You are just lying now.

Obesity is a longstanding problem on impacting on healthcare. It’s a past problem, a current problem and a future problem. It is also a huge issue with Covid.

So basically we can conclude you are a hypocrite and your theatrics are in no way sincere.


The immediate problem is the unvaccinated morons, mate.

Lots of addicts quit.

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Do people really believe that the non-vacinnated 7% messaging that was pushed yesterday is the cataylst for the slow grind towards lockdown again? I sincerely doubt it, I think if it wasn’t that it would have surely been something else. As conspiracy theoretic as that sounds. Is it Gibralter that are 99% vacced and shuttered?

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We can’t give it Gigs till end of year?

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Simpletons like @the_man_himself genuinely do it seems.

Half of this forum has decided to delete their own being to become part of a primitive cult. They have cut off their brains and entirely outsourced their identity to a group of rich, white, racist science deniers in the US.

They exist in a fake world of la la and make believe. A parallel world. This is basic psychology. You cannot believe the things they believe and not exist in a parallel world of make believe and la la.

It is a wholesale rejection of reality.

And these freaks walk among us in increasing numbers. It’s very scary.

Logic doesn’t come into this kid, it’s about making a stance and fucking digging in for dear life.


NPHET’s one contribution to the pandemic internationally was the substantial meal nonsense that they claimed they weren’t behind but everyone know what went on. They spent the Summer of 2020 passing articles around their meetings about how evil pubs were because 20 people in Aberdeen got Covid rather than focus on a HIQA report that showed serious deficiencies in nursing homes during the first wave. The reason why they paid little attention that was because members of NPHET would actually be responsible for areas like nursing homes but they had got into the rhythm of blaming the public for everything rather than take any responsibility themselves.


Exactly like the we could be zero loons.

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NPHET look to be throwing away any last bit of credibility they had

The people you claim are “loons” that have in fact been proven entirely correct while we now face a supervariant because of the failed ideology of negotiating with the virus that you bought into.

They were 100% correct The lads in the townships in ZA were too selfish to knuckle down and WFH

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Could we compose a list of people that should be cast out of society due to their choices leading to pressure on hospitals…

The unvaccinated
Drug addicts
GAA players

If we can get all this cohort to take personal responsibility we’d have the best health care system in the world.


Lads like you were happy for capitalism to do its thing and i) stop the vaccine being rolled out to Africa and ii) facilitate the mass spread of disinformation.

Own it.

Ah they’ll be grand. Cases go up and down so when they go up again (whenever that will be) they’ll have been proven “right”.