You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

If we kept sick people away from hospital we’d have loads of capacity.

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The elderly

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A shame you only want to blame one group of people who you perceive to put strain on the health service but ignore others who have a longstanding past, current and future negative impact on the health service through their lifestyle choices.

My earlier post pointed to your hypocrisy, you don’t seem willing to address that.

And even in terms of equitable vaccine distribution. I was and I am all in favour but we can’t hide from the fact that many South Africans refused the shot and it wasn’t down to distribution there. The Twitterati think they can run the lives of 7 billion.

So if they had, say, 94% of adults vaccinated theyd be grand? Like we are?


Most lads here are in la la land. Arguing until they’re blue in the face about token recommendations by a powerless group, which would be hopelessly inadequate anyway.

The game has changed. Living with Covid failed miserably. So now we are destined to fail and suffer on a much bigger scale.

Because of the lunacy that was peddled by the normality bias business bros. And parroted here by the lobotimised simpletons.

In fairness to them they can’t help being old. A cull at 80 would work wonders for the hospitals though. I wonder has @glasagusban considered it for his manifesto!

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Fruit pickers.

Why don’t you tell me?

You never offer opinions here. You never offer insight. You never offer anything.

Except turgid cribbing and moaning about it not being 2019 any more.

You tell me? You told us you and the ISAG lads were correct. I am literally all ears here for a solution I dont think South Africa, a nation where a lot of the asylum seekers I deal with come from, could manage anything close to an effective lockdown or vaccination program. At least if anything they tell me is even remotely true. And they are far from the worst in Southern Africa, let alone that entire continent.

Why are the lunatics so afraid of a mild respiratory virus?

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How’s your recovery going?

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SA announced they didn’t want any more vaccines last week as people didn’t want to take them.

We’ll have to go over and force them to take them I guess?

Serious trolling going on here this morning or else lads like @glasagusban have actually lost the plot.

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Do you expect hospital treatment if you need it if you get sick from covid? Genuine question.

If we need to massacre all the unvaccinated to save lives then I’m on board


What’s the position on Cannabis smokers ( like 1 a day ) ??

Batigol is well able to defend himself and probably won’t bother replying to this nonsense but I still feel a moral obligation to step in and say that there is an intense straw man argument here. There is also a massive over simplification of the issues involved and what the possible solutions might involve. Sidney rightly says that property rights stymied the quicker roll out of the vaccine in Africa but neglects to mention that property rights and profit motive are also the reason why the vaccine was invented in the first place. There are possible solutions to this conundrum but I won’t discuss this point any further, in particular not with Sidney.