You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Medicinal use is okay but doing it for pleasure in unacceptable.

I donā€™t have any fear of getting sick from covid mate. It is very very unlikely given my age and lack of any underlying conditions.


Avoiding the question I see.

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You still havenā€™t addressed your hypocrisy on why obese people should get hospital care despite their lifestyle choices overwhelming the health service on a long term and consistent basis.

Weā€™d like to hear you square that one off but we donā€™t see sincerity in your position.

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Statistically Iā€™m at more risk of dying in a road traffic accident.

There is always some risk in life mate.


Shur look it now, there are some inconveniences about but weā€™re hardly being oppressed here.
Thereā€™s plenty jetting off on holidays, socialising freely and getting on with their livesā€¦.

Youā€™d swear we were all on timed visits to shops and back collecting takeaway meals again.

Chill out bro, tis the season etc.

If we kept healthy people away from hospitals instead of subsidising their healthcare and allowing them to rock up to A&E everytime they got a paper cut weā€™d have enough capacity for genuinely sick people. Early 2020 = empty A&E departments, the majority of non COVID illnesses that required a visit to A&E magically disappeared


Jesus Christ, thatā€™s nutsā€¦ WTF are people at ?? Youā€™d think by now theyā€™d look back and realize it was a crock of shit. There was surely way better shows than Normal People ā€¦

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I agree wholeheartedly with this. A&Eā€™s empty, wards empty mid 2019 as these paper cut cunts were afraid of their shit to visit a Hospital.

Why canā€™t you just answer the question directly? Itā€™s a yes or no question.


Letā€™s just get on with it and be done by Christmas.

I never knewā€¦ā€¦ :clap:

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Almost there Harry, aches and pains gone , just heavy cough now.
The lack of taste is fucking bizarre, you could put any shite in front of me and twould make no difference to me.
Thanks for asking & regards to you and yours :+1:


Thatā€™s good bro, youā€™ll be fine for the festivities.

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A heavy flu will take a couple of weeks to get right fromā€¦ An ordinary flu would set you back a week but a heavy flu could seriously set your system back.

The health service is not currently overwhelmed by any of the people you mention. Why can you not attend to the issue at hand? Current capacity is currently being disproportionately consumed by the unvaccinated. If they were gone we would have no capacity issues.

Itā€™d sicken your hole. Every GP in the country over capacity cos Mary had to bring little Johnny to the doctor for a ā€œtummy painā€ because the little fucker didnā€™t have his homework done. They waltz in and out without costing them a penny, tis some country

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The irony on you of all people accusing of others of ducking a question. :rofl:


I donā€™t expect hospital treatment if I were to catch covid as I donā€™t believe I would need it.

An aul runny nose or a sore throat or maybe even an aul cough wouldnt have me running to A&E.

Its as simple as that.